It's common. I, however don't get the shots. First of all it's important to know that the flu shot is basically an immunization for the strains of flu that were present last year. These flu's have a way of evolving and mutating, but the time it takes to develop new drugs to combat them is lengthy. So what you get this year in the shot, was developed for last years flu. Chances are good if you didn't get sick last year you have some natural immunity already, or, if you did get sick there's that immunity again...
Also, the last time I got the shot I was sicker that winter, than any winter since, and my wife works in a pediatricians office. We are all pretty much exposed to every germ that every kid carry into that office.
I view these shots as advantageous for those with naturally weak immune systems, or those whose systems have been weakened by other sickenesses or medicines.
Otherwise, for normally healthy adults, I think it's a waste of time and money.