New Member
Well, hello. I am 17 years old and I have never really been interested in books, BUT one day my friend told me he was reading a really neat book. It was called Myst: The book of Artus. Well one day when I was at his house I read some of the beginning and I went crazy. It was the first book I had ever read because I wanted too. Well I read it in about 3 days and then I HAD to read the other 2 Myst books. I have to say that the first one is by far the best. Well, anyways, I read those books about a year or two ago and haven't read anything until just last week when I read Fahrenheit 451 for school. I REALLY liked it and I hope to find more science fiction novels to read. I have only read a couple books and I have no Idea what some good Sci fi books are so any help on that would be appreciated.