My wife is the reader in the family not I, however I have just recently learned that romance novels are the way to her heart. She is 38 years old and my wife of 13 years she has just recently read all of the Twilight series of books. She loves to read but has little time because of kids and the pursuit of her masters degree. During that time she read the Twilight books our relationship both in and out of the bedroom had drastic changes. For once she was coming on to me, often. Now several months have past and things have gotten back to the norm, if you know what I mean? Anyway I had no clue as to how a book could have been so powerful in a relationship, but I'm definatly convinced now. Although, I myself are not a big reader, I'm looking for some help as to what compares to Twilight? She reads books sometimes when she hears of something that everyone is talking about but nothing has ever affected her or me this way. I'm just looking for some guidance or great book choices to spice my life once again.
Thanks, any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, any and all help will be greatly appreciated.