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I need help FAST


New Member
Ok this question probably doesn't belong on this site but I didn't know where else to go to find the answer that i needed. See right now i'm reading Of Mice and Men and we have to find 20 elements of style in the book. When I say elements of style I mean things like Imagery, Personification, and things like that. I need to know 20 different elements but right now i only know of prrobably 14. Could someone tell me 20 different elements or at least tell me where I can find them.

If ppl could reply ASAP that would be great since this paper thing is kinda due tomorrow.
Reader901 said:
Ok this question probably doesn't belong on this site but I didn't know where else to go to find the answer that i needed. See right now i'm reading Of Mice and Men and we have to find 20 elements of style in the book. When I say elements of style I mean things like Imagery, Personification, and things like that. I need to know 20 different elements but right now i only know of prrobably 14. Could someone tell me 20 different elements or at least tell me where I can find them.

If ppl could reply ASAP that would be great since this paper thing is kinda due tomorrow.
How come you didn't read the book?
I've never read the book myself so I don't know...
I suggest (as its too late to read the book now) you look in a serch engine for the information you are looking for.
I read the book but i need an actual list of elements. Not from the book but just the elements of style and their definitions. You know, like Iorny, Personification, Alliteration, Imagry, Similies, and Metaphors. I need 20 of them but right now i only know 12 which are: Simile, Metaphor, Hyperbole, Symbolism, Personification, Onomatopoeia, Imagry, Alliteration, Iorny, Paradox, Allegory, Kenning, and Oxymoron.

I need 6 more of these.
I think I saw the movie a long time ago, but it's been so long that I really can't help you. If I were you, I'd start with a search engine or plan on staying home "sick" tomorrow so you can do more research. That is, unless you know of a classmate who will let you copy from their paper.

How come you're always wanting us to do your homework for you? First it was Ender's Game, now it's Of Mice and Men.
Here are 20

Literal language
Figurative language

Don't know what you will do with these. If you intend to find examples of each in Steinbeck, well, you probably can.

For the record, I would throw in

first person exposition

This thread is a good example of the typical writing on this site that lacks all these elements. People just throw out these little comments that have little to do with books or reading or language. Go figure.

This thread is a good example of the typical writing on this site that lacks all these elements. People just throw out these little comments that have little to do with books or reading or language. Go figure.
I've noticed more of these subtle (and not so subtle) accusations from you - you must really not like it here.

The avatar tells. ;)

Edited: this is kinda rude.

glad to learn those elements as well. thanks for putting it here, novella. :)

It's not an accusation, just an observation. I would love to participate in more substantive discussion about books, writing, and language. Unfortunately the bulk of daily posts are about other stuff, which is fine for what it is, but it's not about books.

Of course there are exceptions. Mike, for instance, regularly posts interesting, complete opinions on what he's read. I regret that my reading experience has not crossed paths with his, and those great posts were left hanging. There are maybe six or seven other regulars who seem to want to read and discuss. I really appreciate their presence.

I'm perfectly happy reading and posting here. I DO actually like it. I just wish there was a little more substance from more daily posters.

for what it's worth I like you, novella. you're pretty cool. but that was an accusation.

observation doesn't entail judgement.
Accusation was the only word I could think of, and it was the wrong choice. I didn't mean to offend you, I really was interested in your thoughts about this place - thanks for your opinion.


Admitting to misconceptions and making corrections in attitudes makes this a very nice place to come.

I ain't perfect yet........life is a series of phases.

BOOKS.........I love them
sometimes I read for escape
sometimes I read for the hunger and need to grow
sometimes I read to laugh
sometimes I read just to find out how things worked "yesterday"
sometimes I read because I find that I can find out lots about the character of the author just by reading the writings.,,,,I am curious

I collect books allllll kinds,,,,,even children's books
I love telling stories and I use the books I read to expand my imagination.......and to build stories to tell my 11 grands.