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Looking for a particular book...


New Member
The only thing from the title that I can recall is the main characters name, which I believe is “Anetika” or something fairly similar, and something about her “diary,” though I do believe this book is fictional. From my recollection, the story was based on a young girl (approximately 13 or 14 years old) who lives in a different country during a war. She meets a soldier (possibly American) who saves her life over a situation that I cannot remember. Shortly thereafter she is sent to America and is forced into an arranged marriage. For whatever reason, the soldier that saved her life goes with her and is there as if to “protect” her. She arrives in America and marries her husband (who is older with 3 children – daughters I believe, one with the name of Violet.) She does not love her husband and Violet does not like her. Sometime later in the story, while her husband was working in a mine, he is killed. Shortly after she falls in love with the soldier who once saved her life and that’s honestly the only thing I remember of the story. I do remember the book being hard-cover with a ribbon as a book mark that is attached inside. I remember the cover being a dark, yet soft green with a picture (mug shot) of a young girl on it (approximate 13 or 14 years old).

I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could help me!