Does anybody else really enjoy finding mistakes in books?
I've forgotten almost every single one I ever found, but reading the BotM-thread made me think of this one: somewhere in Wizard and Glass Eldred Jonas is thinking about Roland as Roland, and not as Will Dearborn, when in fact he's still in the dark as far as Roland's identity is concerned.
There are so many of these "errors" in novels (I'm not talking spelling mistakes here, cause there are also plenty of them), but most of the time I don't even notice them. So whenever I do find one of them, I'm really happy about it. Makes you realize how much work it takes to write and publish a book... And that nobody's perfect, not even the people we look up to
I've forgotten almost every single one I ever found, but reading the BotM-thread made me think of this one: somewhere in Wizard and Glass Eldred Jonas is thinking about Roland as Roland, and not as Will Dearborn, when in fact he's still in the dark as far as Roland's identity is concerned.
There are so many of these "errors" in novels (I'm not talking spelling mistakes here, cause there are also plenty of them), but most of the time I don't even notice them. So whenever I do find one of them, I'm really happy about it. Makes you realize how much work it takes to write and publish a book... And that nobody's perfect, not even the people we look up to