i want to make a list of questions to help create,help organise a charater.
(like in a book the first time the character is described)
-back ground -
-where is he from?
-past jobs?
-physical appearance-
-tall or small ?
-fat or skiny?
-does he sweat a lot,is he always out of breath?
-did he have a accident and can't walk very good,or can't do ?
-is he sad ,happy,or no expresion?
-his wardrobe ,expensive or cheap?
-face:mustache or not,eyeglasses?,hair? his eyes look tired?
-his character traits-
-is he always mad?
-does he smoke?
-genrous,or a real nasty persone?
-does he drink a lot?
-has energie went he speaks?
-what are his flawse?
-real smart,dumb?
-always wantes to be in charge?
-he gets pissted off fast?
-is he a to serious ?
-very cold and unemotional?
-brave not brave?
please had other questions to help create all types of characters.from main to a one time encounter, characters in a story.
(like in a book the first time the character is described)
-back ground -
-where is he from?
-past jobs?
-physical appearance-
-tall or small ?
-fat or skiny?
-does he sweat a lot,is he always out of breath?
-did he have a accident and can't walk very good,or can't do ?
-is he sad ,happy,or no expresion?
-his wardrobe ,expensive or cheap?
-face:mustache or not,eyeglasses?,hair? his eyes look tired?
-his character traits-
-is he always mad?
-does he smoke?
-genrous,or a real nasty persone?
-does he drink a lot?
-has energie went he speaks?
-what are his flawse?
-real smart,dumb?
-always wantes to be in charge?
-he gets pissted off fast?
-is he a to serious ?
-very cold and unemotional?
-brave not brave?
please had other questions to help create all types of characters.from main to a one time encounter, characters in a story.