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please can anyone tell me the name of this book


New Member
I read this book about 15+ yrs ago would love to find it again but can't remember the name.

The book was a collection of horror short stories. One of the stories was about this small group of 3 scientists(?) that had made/discovered a portal/window into another world. The scientists spent long hrs observing the "family" thru the portal but the "family" could not see them. The "family" looked/acted just like us and they lived in a big farm house in the country. One day 2 of the scientists discovered how to go thru the portal into the other world. The 3rd scientist thought it was a bad idea as they really did not know what was on the other side. So he stayed back and "watched" the other 2 go thru. They made it thru ok and started walking towards the house. Thats when one of the kids looked out of the house and saw them coming. The kid started to smile thats when you saw the kid had REALLY big,sharp teeth. The kid ran out of the house and attacked/ate the scientists, his parents joined in the feast too with the 3rd scientist watching in horror thru the portal . The story then ends with the "family" looking up from their meal trying to find out where their tasty meal came from
You might be thinking of A View Through the Window, a story by Bob Leman, a wonderful SF/horror writer from the 60's and 70's. The story was adapted for TV in the Night Visions series. Bill Paxton was in it.

Bob's stories were published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and later collected in one book (it's awesome) called Feesters in the Lake.