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I have recently asked some folks if they would be willing to read the first few chapters of my book. i have been working on the plot for close to 5 years now and think that i am able to start on the beginning now.

I saw this forum and think its a good idea, but is there anything stopping someone from outright stealing your ideas if you post them here for critique,

thought i would ask.

Well, you can't copyright an idea. I would recommend www.writingforums.com for critique; once registered there's a hidden section that means only subscribed members can view it. It deletes pieces after 30 days.
now thats a cool idea, the delete function that is.

i know you can't copyright an idea, but if it hasn't been done before, or recently enough for the masses to be copying it, i wouldn't want to put it out there for all to be reminded of it. not that my ideas are that original, it was just a thought.

thanks stewart.

I think there's some sort of law that any created work is protected to some degree without copyright. You can't copyright an idea, but you can copyright your own words.