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I've been meaning to read this one for quite some time now. I really enjoyed The Spiritual Life of Children, which is a rather dense book for most people to read. In this one, Coles comes to the conclusion that the number one factor in helping to determine whether or not a child grows up moral, has to do with how it is modeled to him/her by parents. Coles brings out a ton of interviews and the findings bridge racial and class differences as well. The hardest segment for him to work with was a group of prep-school adolescents whose selfishness and "everybody does it" mentality just made them insufferable to talk to. While their parents had all of the goods, their children saw through the facade of their "caring" and "doting" parents, which led to some destructive excesses. Coles also highlighted how a child becomes the scold, or who withdraws into themselves due to criticism from the parent. Children also see different ways to interact between parents and often times, has to make a moral decision as to which parent to follow. Will he follow his father and scold the maid who missed a spot? Or will he be forgiving and considerate as the mother? This and other dilemmas were highlighted to show the complexity of moral development and how modeling is such a powerful influence.