Sean Hannity Attacks Ryan Adams' 'Liberal Twitter Tirade'

Last night, Ryan Adams found himself the involuntary topic of Fox News’ Hannity after he got into a Twitter spat with the show’s eponymous host, Sean Hannity.
After Hannity tweeted about the lack of role models in society, citing public figures like embattled politician Anthony Weiner and A-Rod, Adams replied, “Your entire soul is controlled by fear and hate. Evolve little chicken man. See reality.” (It’s unclear whether the tweet was in direct response to Hannity’s comment. The 140-character message in question has not, however, been deleted, despite reports that it had been yanked.)
When Hannity suggested that the singer-songwriter explain himself in person, Adams responded, “Thanks for inviting me on your show. If I wanted to be yelled at I would go see a Youth of Today reunion show.” Hannity taunted Adams to come on his show yet again, and Adams shot back, “I don’t negotiate with terrorists." Hannity seized the opportunity to flip the tables, arguing, “Who’s the little chicken man now? A terrorist? Typical liberal all name calling no substance.”
Not to be outdone, Hannity dedicated a segment of his show to Adams’ “liberal Twitter tirade,” even though “you probably don’t know him, he’s not that popular.” He hosted a roundtable that included Miss Oklahoma Anna-Marie Costello and Fox News contributor Tamara Holder. “He’s hiding behind his little rock-star makeup like the little gutless coward that he is,” Hannity said. “I think you’re just insulted you don’t have a rock star on your program,” Holder pointed out, adding, “It’s not a big deal, Sean.”
When the disorganized discussion failed to arrive at a conclusion about musicians, role models and celebrity integrity on Twitter, Hannity closed things with, “Most people don’t even know who he is, so forget it. Let me move on.”