Well-Known Member
In my traversals of the internet of (almost) everything wondrously new and exciting (cough), I have found something very interesting to those of us here who love fantasy/scifi.
DragonPage Cover to Cover (DPC2C) is a podcast on scifi and fantasy, hosted by a couple of 'scifi geeks', is out every week. You can check it out at http://www.dragonpage.com/, and then go ahead and subscribe it using whatever it is you normally use to subscribe podcasts (if you want me to explain how it's done, let me know in this thread and I'll talk about it).
They have interviewed quite a number of people already, including George RR Martin, Harry Turtledove and Jeff Vandermeer. I'm sure they have tons more people wrapped up - their episode count is about 230+ now.
I've listened to about 4 of their shows now, and it's interesting. They are clearly not seasoned radio people (like Leo Laporte who hosts a series of podcasts I listen to), but they do okay, although occasionally they don't really ask really good questions.
I'm pretty sure there are other scifi/fantasy podcasts, but this one I'm staying with for now.
DragonPage Cover to Cover (DPC2C) is a podcast on scifi and fantasy, hosted by a couple of 'scifi geeks', is out every week. You can check it out at http://www.dragonpage.com/, and then go ahead and subscribe it using whatever it is you normally use to subscribe podcasts (if you want me to explain how it's done, let me know in this thread and I'll talk about it).
They have interviewed quite a number of people already, including George RR Martin, Harry Turtledove and Jeff Vandermeer. I'm sure they have tons more people wrapped up - their episode count is about 230+ now.
I've listened to about 4 of their shows now, and it's interesting. They are clearly not seasoned radio people (like Leo Laporte who hosts a series of podcasts I listen to), but they do okay, although occasionally they don't really ask really good questions.
I'm pretty sure there are other scifi/fantasy podcasts, but this one I'm staying with for now.