Ah, just noticed that Rune has posted a review of Shadows Fall and wanted to put my counter opionion. I hope you do not mind Rune 
OK, here goes.... MY GOD, HOW I HATE THAT BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No words are enough for how stupid, badly written rubbish this book is! *puke puke puke* It's so STUPID. So predictable. SO badly written! It's terrible! Even writing about it is giving me just horrible flashbacks! I would not give it 3 stars! I wouldn't even give it one star! I would only review that book if I have the option to give it -100! I actually finished it, God knows how...
OK, I feel so much better now
Just one example. Oh the great bit where a guy fights a dinosaur with just a sword. [sarcasm] Brilliant [/sarcasm]
OK, here goes.... MY GOD, HOW I HATE THAT BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No words are enough for how stupid, badly written rubbish this book is! *puke puke puke* It's so STUPID. So predictable. SO badly written! It's terrible! Even writing about it is giving me just horrible flashbacks! I would not give it 3 stars! I wouldn't even give it one star! I would only review that book if I have the option to give it -100! I actually finished it, God knows how...
OK, I feel so much better now

Just one example. Oh the great bit where a guy fights a dinosaur with just a sword. [sarcasm] Brilliant [/sarcasm]