Azhria Lilu
She's not the best author on the planet, by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, the first book of the Dark Hunter series had me cringing the entire time I was reading it, but there was just something - something I couldn't put my finger on - that kept me reading Fantasy Lover (not my usual type of reading choice). When I finished that, I picked up the next book in the series and after that I picked up another ten. Now, I pre-order each book in advance.
As I said, she's not the best writer, sometimes the way she puts things together is quite painful to read, but after reading quite a few, I finally pinpointed what it was that kept bringing me back to them (even to the point of rereading them regularly) - the characters. While the stories themselves don't venture far outside the usual remit for a paranormal romance/fantasy, the characters are built well - they are easy to visualise, the way they talk and interact is natural and they're characters that I would enjoy meeting if the world ran that way.
So, Styxx - the next book in the series - is due out on Monday, I have it on Kindle pre-order with Amazon so will find it downloaded when I switch on my Nexus Monday morning.
Anyone else around here read the Dark Hunter books, or should I go sit with the Twilight/50 Shades fans in the corner?
As I said, she's not the best writer, sometimes the way she puts things together is quite painful to read, but after reading quite a few, I finally pinpointed what it was that kept bringing me back to them (even to the point of rereading them regularly) - the characters. While the stories themselves don't venture far outside the usual remit for a paranormal romance/fantasy, the characters are built well - they are easy to visualise, the way they talk and interact is natural and they're characters that I would enjoy meeting if the world ran that way.
So, Styxx - the next book in the series - is due out on Monday, I have it on Kindle pre-order with Amazon so will find it downloaded when I switch on my Nexus Monday morning.
Anyone else around here read the Dark Hunter books, or should I go sit with the Twilight/50 Shades fans in the corner?