This makes me go all misty eyed with nostalgia, also it makes me feel very old because I remember all those games I think Rainbowgurl will like this because she's all game retro
Hey, hey, 16k
Hey, hey, 16k
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Haha! FunnySillyWabbit said:This makes me go all misty eyed with nostalgia, also it makes me feel very old because I remember all those games I think Rainbowgurl will like this because she's all game retro
Hey, hey, 16k
RainbowGurl said:Haha! Funny
Themistocles said:Have you played Galatea , for instance, Abulafia?
Abulafia said:Inform and TADS are both programming languages with attributes similar to C++ or Java.
Constant Story "William Tell";
Constant Headline
"^A simple Inform example
^by Roger Firth and Sonja Kesserich.^";
Release 2; Serial "020827"; ! for keeping track of public releases
Constant MAX_SCORE = 4;
Include "Parser";
Include "VerbLib";
! Object classes
Class Room
has light;
Class Prop
with before [;
Examine: return false;
print_ret "You don't need to worry about ", (the) self, ".";
has scenery;
Class Furniture
with before [;
print_ret (The) self, " is too heavy for that.";
has static supporter;
Class Arrow
with name 'arrow' 'arrows//p',
article "an",
plural "arrows",
description "Just like all your other arrows -- sharp and true.",
before [;
Drop: print_ret "Much too dangerous to leave lying around.";
Class NPC
with life [;
print_ret "Just use T[ALK] [TO ", (the) self, "].";
has animate;
! The game objects
Room street "A street in Altdorf"
with description [;
print "The narrow street runs north towards the town square.
Local folk are pouring into the town through the gate to the
south, shouting greetings, offering produce for sale,
exchanging news, enquiring with exaggerated disbelief about
the prices of the goods displayed by merchants whose stalls
make progress even more difficult.^";
if (self hasnt visited)
print "^~Stay close to me, son,~ you say,
~or you'll get lost among all these people.~^";
n_to below_square,
"The crowd, pressing north towards the square,
makes that impossible.";
Prop "south gate" street
with name 'south' 'southern' 'wooden' 'gate',
description "The large wooden gate in the town walls is wide open.";
Prop "assorted stalls"
with name 'assorted' 'stalls',
description "Food, clothing, mountain gear; the usual stuff.",
found_in street below_square,
has pluralname;
Prop "merchants"
with name 'merchant' 'merchants' 'trader' 'traders',
"A few crooks, but mostly decent traders touting their wares
with raucous overstatement.",
found_in street below_square,
has animate pluralname;
Prop "local people"
with name 'people' 'folk' 'local' 'crowd',
description "Mountain folk, just like yourself.",
found_in [; return true; ],
has animate pluralname;
Room below_square "Further along the street"
with description
"People are still pushing and shoving their way from the southern
gate towards the town square, just a little further north.
You recognise the owner of a fruit and vegetable stall.",
n_to south_square,
s_to street;
Furniture stall "fruit and vegetable stall" below_square
with name 'fruit' 'veg' 'vegetable' 'stall' 'table',
"It's really only a small table, with a big heap of potatoes,
some carrots and turnips, and a few apples.",
before [; Search: <<Examine self>>; ],
has scenery;
Prop "potatoes" below_square
with name 'potato' 'potatoes' 'spuds',
"Must be a particularly early variety... by some 300 years!",
has pluralname;
Prop "fruit and vegetables" below_square
with name 'carrot' 'carrots' 'turnip' 'turnips' 'apples' 'vegetables',
description "Fine locally grown produce.",
has pluralname;
NPC stallholder "Helga" below_square
with name 'stallholder' 'greengrocer' 'monger' 'shopkeeper' 'merchant'
'owner' 'Helga' 'dress' 'scarf' 'headscarf',
"Helga is a plump, cheerful woman,
concealed beneath a shapeless dress and a spotted headscarf.",
initial [;
print "Helga pauses from sorting potatoes
to give you a cheery wave.^";
if (location hasnt visited) {
move apple to player;
print "^~Hello, Wilhelm, it's a fine day for trade! Is this
young Walter? My, how he's grown. Here's an apple for him
-- tell him to mind that scabby part, but the rest's good
enough. How's Frau Tell? Give her my best wishes.~^";
times_spoken_to 0, ! for counting the conversation topics
life [;
Kiss: print_ret "~Ooh, you saucy thing!~";
Talk: self.times_spoken_to = self.times_spoken_to + 1;
switch (self.times_spoken_to) {
1: score = score + 1;
print_ret "You warmly thank Helga for the apple.";
2: score = score + 1;
print_ret "~See you again soon.~";
default: return false;
has female proper;
Room south_square "South side of the square"
with description
"The narrow street to the south has opened onto the town square,
and resumes at the far side of this cobbled meeting place.
To continue along the street towards your destination --
Johansson's tannery -- you must walk north across the square,
in the middle of which you see Gessler's hat set on that
loathsome pole. If you go on, there's no way you can avoid
passing it. Imperial soldiers jostle rudely through the throng,
pushing, kicking and swearing loudly.",
n_to mid_square,
s_to below_square;
Prop "pole"
with name 'wooden' 'pole',
description "You're too far away to see any detail.",
found_in south_square north_square;
Prop "hat"
with name 'hat',
description "You're too far away to see any detail.",
found_in south_square north_square;
Prop "Gessler's soldiers"
with name 'soldier' 'soldiers',
description "They're uncouth, violent men, not from around here.",
before [;
FireAt: print_ret "You're outnumbered many times.";
Talk: print_ret "Such scum are beneath your contempt.";
found_in south_square mid_square north_square marketplace,
has animate pluralname proper;
Room mid_square "Middle of the square"
with description
"There is less of a crush in the middle of the square; most
people prefer to keep as far away as possible from the pole
which towers here, topped with that absurd ceremonial hat. A
group of soldiers stands nearby, watching everyone who passes.",
n_to north_square,
s_to south_square,
warnings_count 0, ! for counting the soldier's warnings
before [; Go:
if (noun == s_obj) {
self.warnings_count = 0;
pole.has_been_saluted = false;
if (noun == n_obj) {
if (pole.has_been_saluted == true) {
print "^~Be sure to have a nice day.~^";
return false;
} ! end of (pole has_been_saluted)
else {
self.warnings_count = self.warnings_count + 1;
switch (self.warnings_count) {
1: print_ret "A soldier bars your way. ^^
~Oi, you, lofty; forgot yer manners, didn't you?
How's about a nice salute for the vogt's hat?~";
2: print_ret "^~I know you, Tell, yer a troublemaker,
ain't you? Well, we don't want no bovver here,
so just be a good boy and salute the friggin'
hat. Do it now: I ain't gonna ask you again...~";
print "^~OK, ";
style underline; print "Herr"; style roman;
print " Tell, now you're in real trouble. I asked you
nice, but you was too proud and too stupid. I
think it's time that the vogt had a little word
with you.~
And with that the soldiers seize you and Walter
and, while the sergeant hurries off to fetch
Gessler, the rest drag you roughly towards the
old lime tree growing in the marketplace.^";
move apple to son;
return true;
} ! end of switch
} ! end of (pole has_NOT_been_saluted)
} ! end of (noun == n_obj)
Furniture pole "wooden pole" mid_square
with name 'wooden' 'pole' 'pine' 'hat' 'black' 'red' 'brim' 'feathers',
"The pole, the trunk of a small pine some few inches in diameter,
stands about nine or ten feet high. Set carefully on top is
Gessler's ludicrous black and red leather hat, with a widely
curving brim and a cluster of dyed goose feathers.",
has_been_saluted false,
before [;
self.has_been_saluted = true;
print_ret "You salute the hat on the pole. ^^
~Why, thank you, sir,~ sneers the soldier.";
has scenery;
Room north_square "North side of the square"
with description
"A narrow street leads north from the cobbled square. In its
centre, a little way south, you catch a last glimpse of the pole
and hat.",
n_to [;
deadflag = 3;
print_ret "With Walter at your side, you leave the square by the
north street, heading for Johansson's tannery.";
s_to "You hardly feel like going through all that again.";
Room marketplace "Marketplace near the square"
with description
"Altdorf's marketplace, close by the town square, has been hastily
cleared of stalls. A troop of soldiers has pushed back the crowd
to leave a clear space in front of the lime tree, which has been
growing here for as long as anybody can remember. Usually it
provides shade for the old men of the town, who gather below to
gossip, watch the girls, and play cards. Today, though, it
stands alone... apart, that is, from Walter, who has been lashed
to the trunk. About forty yards away, you are restrained by two
of the vogt's men.",
cant_go "What? And leave your son tied up here?";
Object tree "lime tree" marketplace
with name 'lime' 'tree',
description "It's just a large tree.",
before [; FireAt:
if (BowOrArrow(second)) {
deadflag = 3;
print_ret "Your hand shakes a little, and your arrow flies
high, hitting the trunk a few inches above Walter's
return true;
has scenery;