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Reading about different authors who chose to commit suicide made me think about if there is a possible connection between creativiti and depression. I found this:
I also seem to remember reading something that depression could make some people more creative. What do you think, do you become depressed if you are creative, creative because you are depressed or is it just rubbish?
http://www.afsp.org/about/creative.htm said:Creativity, Depression and Suicide Prevention
For several centuries, stories of famous painters, writers and musicians who were depressed and took their lives made people wonder. Only in the last 25 years has scientific evidence demonstrated that creative people are more vulnerable to depression and suicide, regardless of whether or not they become famous. More research is needed to determine which:
* Patients suffering from depressive or manic depressive disorders are most vulnerable to suicide
* Treatments will control the disorder without interfering with the artists’ ability to create.
Throughout history artists, writers and musicians have seemed to suffer disproportionately from mood disorders. Only recently has research concluded that a high percentage of artists — both past and contemporary — have, in fact, suffered from affective illness, particularly manic-depressive disorder.
Treatment of major depressive illness in artists has presented unique problems; partly because of a concern that creativity and the disorder are so intertwined that treatment might destroy the artists’ unique talent.
By supporting study of current approaches to treatment, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention hopes to encourage the development of new options for today’s creators, options unfortunately unavailable for yesterday’s greats.
Cases in Particular Arts
* The Literary Arts
Recent studies have shown that poets and writers are four times more likely than others to suffer from affective disorders, particularly manic depression. Dickinson, Eliot, and Poe are among the many poets who suffered from an affective illness. Writers such as Balzac, Conrad, Dickens, Emerson, Faulkner, Fitzgerald, Ibsen, Melville, and Tolstoy also suffered from the illness. In many cases, the writer's depression led to suicide: John Berryman, Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Ernest Hemingway and Virginia Woolf.
I also seem to remember reading something that depression could make some people more creative. What do you think, do you become depressed if you are creative, creative because you are depressed or is it just rubbish?