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' Welcome to a selection of picture books. 
' The Wave, ( 2-5 years.)
by Suzy Lee.
This picture book tells the story of a little girl's day at the beach. When she first arrives at the ocean, she's a little shy and uncertain as she looks at the daunting wave before her. As she grows more comfortable, she roars at the wave as it recedes into the ocean, and she finally musters up the courage to jump in and splash around. The wave, however, gets the last laugh and drenches her, but she soon forgets as she sees the treasure that washes ashore.
A wordless picture book but with stunning images open up the senses and evoke emotion. You will be able to smell the ocean, feel the spray on your face, hear the little girl's laughter, and feel her awe and reverence toward this powerful force of nature along with her delight.
It's the simplicity of the book that makes it truly powerful. The black and white panoramic drawings of the girl, her mother, and the seagulls are accented with splashes of the ocean's brilliant blue. When the wave finally engulfs the little girl at the end and recedes back into the ocean, the pages also become engulfed in blue--the sky, the girl's dress, the sea shells, etc.
Accessible to children and parents of many cultures and languages and accessible to children who can't yet read or who are struggling with reading.
Suzy Lee Books :: Bookworks :: Wave
Suzy Lee Books :: Bookworks
' The red tree, (Ages 9 & up).
by Shaun Tan.
When a child awakens with dark leaves drifting into her bedroom, she feels that "sometimes the day begins with nothing to look forward to, and things go from bad to worse."
Feelings too complex for words are rendered into an imaginary landscape where the child wanders, oblivious to the glimmer of promise in the shape of a tiny red leaf. Everything seems hopeless until the child returns to her room and sees the red tree. At that perfect moment of beauty and purity, the child smiles and her world stirs anew.
Shaun Tan's illustrations are remarkable for the way they combine and react upon each other. He creates an otherworldly labyinth of visual ideas joined with the familiar immediacy of the little child, and condenses them into scenes of extraordinary depth and insight. Every child will appreciate the book's life-affirming message but it will be equally successful with all readers. With sensitivity and wonder, the evocative images in The Red Tree open a window to our inexplicable emotions and tell a story about the power of hope, renewal and inspiration.
' Duck, Death and the Tulip.
by Wolf Erlbruch.
A duck leads a quiet, uneventful life in its little pond until one day a strange guest suddenly appears. It is none other than Death. At first, the duck is pretty terrified, but then it decides to be bold and invites the Grim Reaper to join him in a spot of diving for food. Gradually, they get to know each other better. And when the inevitable end comes, even Death is a little bit sad.
This picture book which deals in an exceptionally poetic and comforting manner with the sad, but true fact that death is an integral part of life.
' The Butterfly Workshop, Ages 6 & up.
by Gioconda Belli & Wolf Erlbruch (Illustrator).
This picture book is a delightful tale about an artist trying to find his way in the world. Odair, one of the Designers of All Things and grandson of the esteemed inventor of the rainbow, dreams of creating a cross an animal which flies like a bird and has the beauty of a flower. His dream; however, breaks the one strict line that all Designers of All Things must follow: they are not allowed to mix animals and plants.
Odair is blessed with an overactive imagination and continues to dream up new ways to combine the species, an activity which causes the Ancient Wise Woman to banish Odair and his friends to the insect laboratory.
Children will be fascinated by the whimsical nature of Wolf Erlbruch’s illustrations and the creation of many familiar animals. Belli shows readers that the simplest lessons can be found if they open their eyes and slow down to see the beauty around them.
' The bear with a Sword, (Ages 6 & Up)
by Davide Cali & Gianluca Foli (Illustrator)
This bear is a warrior. With his sword, he cuts everything it finds. Even the forest! But one day the fort, where he lives, is washed out the dam. If nature is a chain of solidarity, then whose is fault? Which are the consequences of our acts?
A picture book about the ecological balance and the respect toward the environment.
' The woman and the little boy, (6+)
by Geert De Kockere & Kaatje Vermeire (Illustrator).
The little boy is fascinated by an old woman he sees every day. In his imagination, she appears as a giant who eats little children.. But when he sees her dropping her bag one day, she suddenly looks smaller. He helps her to collect her things and visits her at home. He finds out that she is actually a dear old lady, softer than little mice and sweeter than sweets.
This is a captivating picture book about how prejudices can determine the image of others and feed fear of other people.
Kaatje Vermeire
Kaatje Vermeire

' The Wave, ( 2-5 years.)
by Suzy Lee.
This picture book tells the story of a little girl's day at the beach. When she first arrives at the ocean, she's a little shy and uncertain as she looks at the daunting wave before her. As she grows more comfortable, she roars at the wave as it recedes into the ocean, and she finally musters up the courage to jump in and splash around. The wave, however, gets the last laugh and drenches her, but she soon forgets as she sees the treasure that washes ashore.
A wordless picture book but with stunning images open up the senses and evoke emotion. You will be able to smell the ocean, feel the spray on your face, hear the little girl's laughter, and feel her awe and reverence toward this powerful force of nature along with her delight.
It's the simplicity of the book that makes it truly powerful. The black and white panoramic drawings of the girl, her mother, and the seagulls are accented with splashes of the ocean's brilliant blue. When the wave finally engulfs the little girl at the end and recedes back into the ocean, the pages also become engulfed in blue--the sky, the girl's dress, the sea shells, etc.
Accessible to children and parents of many cultures and languages and accessible to children who can't yet read or who are struggling with reading.
Suzy Lee Books :: Bookworks :: Wave
Suzy Lee Books :: Bookworks
' The red tree, (Ages 9 & up).
by Shaun Tan.
When a child awakens with dark leaves drifting into her bedroom, she feels that "sometimes the day begins with nothing to look forward to, and things go from bad to worse."
Feelings too complex for words are rendered into an imaginary landscape where the child wanders, oblivious to the glimmer of promise in the shape of a tiny red leaf. Everything seems hopeless until the child returns to her room and sees the red tree. At that perfect moment of beauty and purity, the child smiles and her world stirs anew.
Shaun Tan's illustrations are remarkable for the way they combine and react upon each other. He creates an otherworldly labyinth of visual ideas joined with the familiar immediacy of the little child, and condenses them into scenes of extraordinary depth and insight. Every child will appreciate the book's life-affirming message but it will be equally successful with all readers. With sensitivity and wonder, the evocative images in The Red Tree open a window to our inexplicable emotions and tell a story about the power of hope, renewal and inspiration.
' Duck, Death and the Tulip.
by Wolf Erlbruch.
A duck leads a quiet, uneventful life in its little pond until one day a strange guest suddenly appears. It is none other than Death. At first, the duck is pretty terrified, but then it decides to be bold and invites the Grim Reaper to join him in a spot of diving for food. Gradually, they get to know each other better. And when the inevitable end comes, even Death is a little bit sad.
This picture book which deals in an exceptionally poetic and comforting manner with the sad, but true fact that death is an integral part of life.
' The Butterfly Workshop, Ages 6 & up.
by Gioconda Belli & Wolf Erlbruch (Illustrator).
This picture book is a delightful tale about an artist trying to find his way in the world. Odair, one of the Designers of All Things and grandson of the esteemed inventor of the rainbow, dreams of creating a cross an animal which flies like a bird and has the beauty of a flower. His dream; however, breaks the one strict line that all Designers of All Things must follow: they are not allowed to mix animals and plants.
Odair is blessed with an overactive imagination and continues to dream up new ways to combine the species, an activity which causes the Ancient Wise Woman to banish Odair and his friends to the insect laboratory.
Children will be fascinated by the whimsical nature of Wolf Erlbruch’s illustrations and the creation of many familiar animals. Belli shows readers that the simplest lessons can be found if they open their eyes and slow down to see the beauty around them.
' The bear with a Sword, (Ages 6 & Up)
by Davide Cali & Gianluca Foli (Illustrator)
This bear is a warrior. With his sword, he cuts everything it finds. Even the forest! But one day the fort, where he lives, is washed out the dam. If nature is a chain of solidarity, then whose is fault? Which are the consequences of our acts?
A picture book about the ecological balance and the respect toward the environment.
' The woman and the little boy, (6+)
by Geert De Kockere & Kaatje Vermeire (Illustrator).
The little boy is fascinated by an old woman he sees every day. In his imagination, she appears as a giant who eats little children.. But when he sees her dropping her bag one day, she suddenly looks smaller. He helps her to collect her things and visits her at home. He finds out that she is actually a dear old lady, softer than little mice and sweeter than sweets.
This is a captivating picture book about how prejudices can determine the image of others and feed fear of other people.
Kaatje Vermeire
Kaatje Vermeire