Ya Krunk'd Floo
New Member
Wes Anderson is one of my favorite directors. Every mofo film he makes is original, funny, intelligent, stupid and holds an ironically beautiful delight in the absurd...Don't you agree? I thought so...
Anyway, I recently purchased a copy of the lovely 'The Life Aquatic' and it got me using my brain in a special way I like to call 'thinking'; What is your most special, touch-touch, oh-yes-please favorite film of his?
Couch, he's made 4 moogles...Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums and The Life Aqautic. All his movies exist in a twilight, retro-quirky-quoo world where everyone almost behaves like they are acting in a play. You can see the intention behind this by the way the 3 most recent movies open with the drawing of the curtains...The genius of this is that despite the almost faux-realism, the characters are totally involved in their world and there is no pretension that their 'life' is not 'real life'.
Anyway, if you don't like Wes Anderson's films, go and sit in the corner and count to 10. Once completed, take your sorry-ass to bed and count chickens before they hatch.
Oh, my favorite is 'Rushmore', closely followed by 'The Life Aquatic'. And you?
"What's your favorite yum-yum quote?", I hear you whisper...Well, it just so happens to be this:
Max Fischer: I like your nurse's uniform, guy.
Dr. Peter Flynn: These are O.R. scrubs.
Max Fischer: Oh, are they?
'Oh-You-Tea' spells...
Anyway, I recently purchased a copy of the lovely 'The Life Aquatic' and it got me using my brain in a special way I like to call 'thinking'; What is your most special, touch-touch, oh-yes-please favorite film of his?
Couch, he's made 4 moogles...Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums and The Life Aqautic. All his movies exist in a twilight, retro-quirky-quoo world where everyone almost behaves like they are acting in a play. You can see the intention behind this by the way the 3 most recent movies open with the drawing of the curtains...The genius of this is that despite the almost faux-realism, the characters are totally involved in their world and there is no pretension that their 'life' is not 'real life'.
Anyway, if you don't like Wes Anderson's films, go and sit in the corner and count to 10. Once completed, take your sorry-ass to bed and count chickens before they hatch.
Oh, my favorite is 'Rushmore', closely followed by 'The Life Aquatic'. And you?
"What's your favorite yum-yum quote?", I hear you whisper...Well, it just so happens to be this:
Max Fischer: I like your nurse's uniform, guy.
Dr. Peter Flynn: These are O.R. scrubs.
Max Fischer: Oh, are they?
'Oh-You-Tea' spells...