Well-Known Member
A colleague of mine asked me about this recently and it got me thinking pretty long and hard, glad to say that it's been awhile since such a bad memory has been on my mind.:lol: Between my freshman and sophomore years in college, I dropped all of my classes one semester and took a job at a cookbook publishing company. The pay was fairly decent and my job was to empty giant trash bins filled with wasted/error paper. The bins could weigh as much as 200 ibs. and it was my job to lift them up and over into a giant colletion baler that would bunch the paper together so that it could be recycled. Basic janitorial servic was also a part of the job. It was the most horrible job that I ever had. We were constantly busy and at the end of the day, my entire body ached. I lasted two weeks before I didn't show up due to just being sick of the whole thing. That, and the fact that I had a compressed disk in my back. I went back to college during the winter term and made honor roll for the first time. When I felt like leaving the library at night, my iner tormenter in my head would coment: "If you don't go back, you'll be at that job again.":lol: The rest is history.
So what about you?
So what about you?