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Time to kill


Active Member
Please help me waste some time. The next three months look set to be very dull at work. I'm looking for anything. Mindless, yet addictive games, forums, chat rooms, fun things to do with paperclips, scavenger hunts, anything. Boredom makes me violent, and too many people have died already. People are beginning to ask awkward questions.
I do that. I have two books here. One for reading at my desk and one for reading during coffee breaks and lunch. But a girl needs more variety than that.
If only we all had so much time on our hands at work :p

Anyway... your wish is my command O pirate wench! Feast your eyeballs on this me beauty! Arrrrrr! Flash Games

And as for web forums Fark For zany forum based web linky type action.

Enjoy :)
I see your point. Very well, maybe would like to play Name That Smell.

Apparently, either something crawled into my refrigerator and died, or I left something in there to thaw out a few weeks ago.

How many clues do you think it will take you to....NAME....THAT....SMELL?

Right. That's more like it.

I'm currently addicted to the Ping Pong game at Free Arcade which is a little sad given how very basic it is. But it beats minesweeper. I shall investigate Silly Lucky Captain Wabbit King's links next. But first...

I'll name that smell in Five.
Five huh? You sound very confident.

Let's all give that Lady a round of applause.

Now, the clues start out difficult but gradually get easier. Here's clue number 1.

When I open the refrigerator door, the cat tossed his Meow Mix and passed out.


Heh heh heh. 'Toss' means something different over here, and I'm not quite sure how a cat would achieve that without ending up all chafed.

Umm, let me see...

Cats hate the smell of mouldy cheese, so I'm gonna go with green lumpy cheese, Bill.
I'm sure you'd enjoy that but unfortunately it's the incorrect answer.

Let's all boo, hiss and throw rotten cantelopes at the nice Lady, folks.

I can tell by the look on the cat's face that we're out of time for today. I promise not to clean out the fridge until the game is complete though, just to keep things fair.

Please tune in next time for another thought provoking episode of...


Yes it does and so do I. Now shut the fekk up and wave pretty like to the fekkin audience.

Take up Interactive Fiction - writing or playing.

These are all text based games (and design systems) of the You are in a room with treasure and a candle. Also here is a pirate. variety. Some are arty, others are fun, while others are just downright shit. Give it a shot!
RaVeN said:
I promise not to clean out the fridge until the game is complete though, just to keep things fair.
Just don't expect me and my whipped cream to be visiting anytime soon. Not gonna happen. No way. No how. My nose couldn't take it! :eek:
Well we didnt have any paperclips (cos you need them in a brewery?? :)) so I used these wire things... like those things you get when you open a roll of freezer bags, to tie them? Heh, yeh well it was HUGE. And much fun! Found someone who was scared of spiders and waved it around at them, but they weren't right impressed :)
Well... *I* am very impressed lol :D

You go girl!!! *woof woof woof*

That sounds like fun, but then again, im a bit mental :D