Well-Known Member
I was absolutely floored when I read this. His book bag and other items were often mangled by others and he was doused with food on more than one occassion. I'll tell you what else is a load of crap-the notion that the teachers "didn't know" about the bullying. I've taught for seven years now and can tell you that unless a teacher is deaf and blind, they KNOW. My blood is rising the more I think about the article. Hopefully, folks will pay more attention to this and quit with the dumb atittude of "it happens to everyone." I'd like to know who went through what this kid did on an everyday basis. Lord, if I were his parent, this issue would've been settled long ago. I'd pull the kid from public school and let the teachers and other parents(and kids) know what I really thought of them in very straight-forward terms. The mother really wasn't an advocate for her child, very sad since he deserved better.