I am the author of Why Christ?: Why is Jesus Christ the only way to eternal life? And why is He different than everything else? here is an bit about it for you to read, kind of like a teaser:
P. 74-75“Finally, if you look at other religions in the world, their gods are idols. The things that are worshipped by other religions are things God has made already. How can you worship something already made, such as statues or even other people? This is common among world religions. How can a human or even a statue create the world around us? Simple, it can’t.
Another thing that separates Christianity from all other religions is when you become a Christian your heart is changed because of the love that God gave you for Jesus Christ. It is not an obligation that must happen to become a Christian. It comes with the passion that one has when Christ truly comes into one’s life. I know of many people who think that to be a Christian, they must give up their sinful behaviors and choices, otherwise they are not much of a “Christian.” This is not true. In fact, it is the other way around. Once a person becomes a Christian, they don’t have to give up their sinful choices because they must, they give them up because they want to. Their heart is changed because of the love that God gives a person when they accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.
When I was a very young Christian, I always thought that when I went to heaven I would be able to do whatever I wanted for all of eternity. Now that I have grown in my relationship with Christ, I have come to realize that when I go to heaven, I will want to worship Jesus Christ for all of eternity.”
P. 98-99 “Jesus Christ, known to many as: The Son of God, King of Kings, Lord God Almighty, Lord of Lords, Prince of Piece, Mediator, High Priest, Master, Rock, Alpha & Omega, Savior, but to secular historians, he was known as a man who lived and died and nothing more. The argument of whether Jesus existed is continual between Christians and secular historians; however, many historians do claim the existence of many Biblical characters, such as Pontius Pilate who was a Roman military governor/prosecutor of Judea from 26 to 36.42 There does not seem to be a lot of information on him within secular texts, but from research, it seems to be agreed upon by historians that he did exist, and his role within the Bible was quite accurate.
CNN published an article called Scholars: Oldest evidence of Jesus?43
The article states, “While most scholars agree that Jesus existed, no physical evidence from the first century has ever been conclusively tied with his life.”
It is interesting that many scholars believe that Jesus existed, but was nothing more than a mere man. If the Bible is historically right about the birth, life and death of Jesus Christ, why would the claims that Christ made, his resurrection, and deity be a myth?”
Copyright 2005,2006 Christian J. Fobian
P. 74-75“Finally, if you look at other religions in the world, their gods are idols. The things that are worshipped by other religions are things God has made already. How can you worship something already made, such as statues or even other people? This is common among world religions. How can a human or even a statue create the world around us? Simple, it can’t.
Another thing that separates Christianity from all other religions is when you become a Christian your heart is changed because of the love that God gave you for Jesus Christ. It is not an obligation that must happen to become a Christian. It comes with the passion that one has when Christ truly comes into one’s life. I know of many people who think that to be a Christian, they must give up their sinful behaviors and choices, otherwise they are not much of a “Christian.” This is not true. In fact, it is the other way around. Once a person becomes a Christian, they don’t have to give up their sinful choices because they must, they give them up because they want to. Their heart is changed because of the love that God gives a person when they accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.
When I was a very young Christian, I always thought that when I went to heaven I would be able to do whatever I wanted for all of eternity. Now that I have grown in my relationship with Christ, I have come to realize that when I go to heaven, I will want to worship Jesus Christ for all of eternity.”
P. 98-99 “Jesus Christ, known to many as: The Son of God, King of Kings, Lord God Almighty, Lord of Lords, Prince of Piece, Mediator, High Priest, Master, Rock, Alpha & Omega, Savior, but to secular historians, he was known as a man who lived and died and nothing more. The argument of whether Jesus existed is continual between Christians and secular historians; however, many historians do claim the existence of many Biblical characters, such as Pontius Pilate who was a Roman military governor/prosecutor of Judea from 26 to 36.42 There does not seem to be a lot of information on him within secular texts, but from research, it seems to be agreed upon by historians that he did exist, and his role within the Bible was quite accurate.
CNN published an article called Scholars: Oldest evidence of Jesus?43
The article states, “While most scholars agree that Jesus existed, no physical evidence from the first century has ever been conclusively tied with his life.”
It is interesting that many scholars believe that Jesus existed, but was nothing more than a mere man. If the Bible is historically right about the birth, life and death of Jesus Christ, why would the claims that Christ made, his resurrection, and deity be a myth?”
Copyright 2005,2006 Christian J. Fobian