Maya said:
"The Da Vinci Code".
And I'm not saying "Jane Eyre" is a bad book or anything, but I have tried reading it twice and both times I didn't make it to the end. So I think I'll have to start over again some day... again.
namedjour, you didn't like "Great Expectations"??? I didn't like it much while I was reading it, I don't know if it was because of the characters or what, but when I finished it, it was good.
I liked Jane Eyre, actually, and probably read that one three or four times. You may just need to be in the mood for it, though. I would give it another go.
I have a much lower tolerance for Dickens, overall. I couldn't finish Great Expectations, and I first tried to read it when I was in my "classics" period, and could bog my way through virtually any level of archaic wordiness! But Dickens never, ever resonated with me on any level (except for A Tale of Two Cities, which reads as though it was written by somebody else).
What's interesting and ironical is that one of my favorite authors, Jack Mauro, is a HUGE Dickens fan, and patterns his writing style after him, somewhat. He'll take a scene and milk it, detail by detail, just like Dickens. You can really see the Dickens influence.
But the difference is, Mauro piles on the detail to build comedic suspense. By the time he's painted the entire picture, ever so carefully, you're holding your side, laughing. So Jack Mauro has taken an otherwise sluggish writing technique and transformed it into something funny and extremely readable. (Read "Spite Hall" to see what I mean.)
Having said that, maybe it isn't Dickens' writing style. Maybe it's just that I personally don't like Dickens.