sanyuja said:
If the character is only 50% based on me, then its not me at all. So, no question being angry
Why do you ask this novella? Are you trying to do something like that in your upcoming novel?
All fiction writers draw from life, some less directly than others. More experienced writers can cover their tracks better, if that's what they want to do. But I accept that all writers build characters and dialogue and settings from life, and in some it's more recognizable than others. Not a bad thing, just the writer's choice.
As Joan Didion said, "Writers are always selling someone out."
The reason I ask is I just read an interview with Ian McEwan and his protagonist in his latest book Saturday is his age, lives in a house like his in the same part of London, his wife does a similar job to the protagonist's wife, his kids are the same age, etc etc. The basic situation is, in fact, so close to his current life that you know that he must have personal consequences from that.
I'm not doing anything like that --so close to real life--in my current work, but I did get on a few people's shitlist when I widely published a story close to reality a couple of years ago. One of them still isn't talking to me. Tough, I say. (It wasn't as based on her as she wants to think. She's very self-centered.) If I had to worry about stuff like that, I wouldn't write at all.
I had an acquaintance years ago who published a novel full of people I know, quite blatantly (nicknames and all). Most thought it was funny, except one guy who came out looking like a moron. But it was
Just thought I'd take a poll and see who would be offended and why.