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Tattoos and Piercings

I have one tattoo – at present – but am planning a second, which will be much more 'important' and will demand a much better artist.

I had three piercings but only have one left – I can't see those developing at present.
I want to get a lipring and a tattoo when I turn 18. (Which is in 16 days!! :lol: )
the tattoo I want is the comedy/tragedy drama masks with ribbons intertwined.. sooo pretty ;)
A Q for tattoo experts. I got a tattoo on my right shoulder about 4 years ago. After a few days (after the initial swelling went down), I noticed that it was raised. After some internet searching, I decided to apply cocoa butter several times a day to see if that would help the skin heal. It seemed to work like a charm. It flattened out after a couple weeks of religious cocoa butter use. Now, 4 years later, it is raised again! This happened somewhat recently and totally randomly. I didn't do anything to it... The only thing I can think of is it's summer so my shoulders are naked/sun-exposed pretty regularly.

It's not a huge deal, I am going to try the cocoa butter again... But any ideas as to why this would happen?
A Q for tattoo experts. I got a tattoo on my right shoulder about 4 years ago. After a few days (after the initial swelling went down), I noticed that it was raised. After some internet searching, I decided to apply cocoa butter several times a day to see if that would help the skin heal. It seemed to work like a charm. It flattened out after a couple weeks of religious cocoa butter use. Now, 4 years later, it is raised again! This happened somewhat recently and totally randomly. I didn't do anything to it... The only thing I can think of is it's summer so my shoulders are naked/sun-exposed pretty regularly.

It's not a huge deal, I am going to try the cocoa butter again... But any ideas as to why this would happen?

I would be worried.:whistling:
@ topic
yeah i think its art
i used to have piercings (medussa, larbet, industrial, plugs)but i took it all off... i also wanna get a tattoo but im not yet sure..it will just come to me i guess :D
I have two tattoos. One on my right shoulder blade and the other on my lower back. The latter is vertical, so it looks different from your usual tramp stamp, but I guess most people would still call it that...
I have two tattoos. One on my right shoulder blade and the other on my lower back. The latter is vertical, so it looks different from your usual tramp stamp, but I guess most people would still call it that...

It depends on how it looks.
I'm going to get B&R inspired tattoo on my behind. It'll have flames around it and a skull coming out of a book with Stephen King holding it. At the bottom will be in Old English lettering: Read now, sleep later.:cool::D;)
I have two tattoos. One on my right shoulder blade and the other on my lower back. The latter is vertical, so it looks different from your usual tramp stamp, but I guess most people would still call it that...

Got another one a couple of months ago so now I have 3. The one on my right shoulder blade is the Kanji for tiger, the one on my lower back is a tribal scorpion and the new one, on my neck behind the left earlobe, is a fleur-de-lys. All three were done in black ink, maybe the next one will have some color in it... :D