New Member
Andresz, It was believable and unbelievable at the same time. I lived in Los Angeles for a while, and the locales and landmarks in Less Than Zero sound completely authentic and believable. And, within the stretch of fiction, I might imagine the lives of (some) wealthy parents being pretty much as described in the book, especially when viewed though a teenager's eyes. But to imagine young people so completely aimless and wasted in realiity was very hard to imagine and relate to personally. Of course, I've seen people, young and old, who are "out of it" as a result of drug or alcohol abuse, but the depiction of a total youth culture hacking around and doing nothing but obliterate itself was very hard to accept. Such a waste, if so.
So I would say the book had a very powerful and convincing writing style, which the author maintained thoughout the book, and a "plot" which mirrored the aimless lives, but which ultimately left me shaking my head somewhat incredulous.
I'll get around to reading The Rules of Attraction sometime -- it is already on my shelf -- and then we'll see what.
Your thoughts? :flowers:
Great feedback, Peder...
Wow, I can see that you have an interesting insight since you've actually lived in L.A., whereas I only visited as a tourist for a week about 15 years ago and got lost all the time!
I actually read the book the first time after seeing the movie, and found the novel much better - but I did find it had dated on the second read last year.
I really liked it, but I think I'd agree with you on the incredulous bit!
