I think it's safe to say that we all belong to other forums.
What kind of shenanigans go on in your other forums?
What kind of shenanigans go on in your other forums?
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On <redacted> we all name call and otherwise insult each other daily but at the end of the day, we actually like each other, and hang out and drink beers when visiting other member locales.
4. The Stewart option? Shamelessly stolen from another forum who used an esteemed member's username as a default option for polls.
1. A group of people (I stayed out of this one believe it or not) led a member who was universally loathed into believing that he was put on ignore by almost everyone. He had a huge, hilarious meltdown that resulted in him being banned.
Any shenanigans on this forum, Sparky?
As much as I like the word, there are no shenanigans going on the two other forums I currently visit, that I know of.
One is a language forum with a huge international membership with a strict posting policy although they do have allowances for silliness on their general forum.
The other is a band forum that has slanging going on but its mostly between long time members who can dish it out and take it.
I used to visit a Phillip Pullman/His Dark Materials fan site where it was friendly for the most part but some of the threads topics would generate hostility and the thread would be locked. The fan art page was pretty cool though.