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Yeah, I liked Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything. He's pretty good at putting facts into an almost story-like form.
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It just struck me that there really isn't much in the way of "light" material out there on Africa, is there? Not that I was looking for that, which is just as well!Hmm, this little reading jaunt may actually be mind-boggling![]()
after the coming of the whites it was all downhill from there,
While colonialism was not always the best thing, there was also some good along with the evils and I object to this general categorisation that the Whites are to blame for every wrong thing in Africa. I entirely fail to see why there is no responsibility for actions taken by Black people in their own countries and perpetuated by and against their own people.
As for Alex Haley 'Roots' good book, but at the same time I am honestly fed up with the biased and one sided view of slavery. A. Arabs were slave traders in Africa for centuries before Whites got the not-so-bright idea to do the same and B. Whites did not penetrate deep into the interior of Africa. It was African tribes who warred on other tribes and transported the captives to the coast to sell, first to Arabs then to johnny-come-lately Whites. But that side of history is just ignored in the blame game. There are no innocents in the Slave Trade - Blacks did it, Whites did it, Arabs did it, the Chinese did it. I'm not sure there is any nation in the world that didn't practice slavery in some form or the other at one time in their history. The Romans did it, the Greeks did it, the Vikings did it .... so yeah please lets be accurate about the facts.
I suppose one's global perspective might also be colored by one's own ethnicity as well...
That would be part of the biased view I meant. History as told by some people is that big bad white folks came to Africa, wrenched the poor innocent black folks from its bosom and perpetuated all manner of evils on them. I am in no way endorsing or excusing any of the multiplicity of evils of slavery but that simplistic view is just plain wrong. If there ever is to be full healing there first has to be truth.
Not so much black and white but shades of gray.