Former Moderator
In an attempt to get the suggesting and voting done in good time 
The theme for January is:
Past or present, banned or unbanned, in any genre - the only criteria is - does the book contain 'dangerous' ideas, new concepts or just plain make you see the world in a new way.
Books are subversive. They contain 'ideas'. And are usually one of the first things that get burned / banned / controlled in authoritarian regimes. So lets find those books that contain 'dangerous ideas'.
Suggest away!

The theme for January is:
Past or present, banned or unbanned, in any genre - the only criteria is - does the book contain 'dangerous' ideas, new concepts or just plain make you see the world in a new way.
Books are subversive. They contain 'ideas'. And are usually one of the first things that get burned / banned / controlled in authoritarian regimes. So lets find those books that contain 'dangerous ideas'.
Suggest away!