Discussion starts May 1st. 
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i shall read it as soon as i have finished my current book
A reviewer there mentions a "retro British sci-fi feel" to it. Maybe so, and maybe it was precursor to many post-apocalyptic scenes and stories to follow. Which might explain why, by now, it felt very derivative to me and not particularly imaginative -- gangs on the loose and fighting it out -- with a sudden and abruptly undeveloped ending to boot. It just didn't do it for me.
A connoisseur of the genre, on the other hand, can no doubt write a better appreciation, which I would be glad to read. Anyone?
Why would you be glad to read an appreciation of a book you don't like?
Many reasons, Bob.
1. I prefer forums that have BOTM discussions, and keeping a BOTM going is a collaborative effort that takes some effort by all concerned. I think it is only common courtesy to read contributions to a forum where one has contributed, and to reply to relevant posts. After all, discussions can only happen when people post and share views.
2. General interest. Not everyone may share my view and I'd be interested to hear their views. They might easily see features of the book that I overlooked.
3. There is more to a book than just a story, and more to having an opinion than just "I liked it," or "I didn't like it." Books have characters, events, settings, times, authors, written styles, contexts, literary significance, and so forth, any or all of which might deserve comment. For example, the book is set in post-apocalyptic England. Perhaps the final confrontation at the bridge might have more significance for the British reader than for me. Was there a bridge battle at Hastings? Was the leader reminiscent of a famous historical personage? Or so on.
4. There can be more to discussion than just a thumbs up or down. Perhaps the book originated a new theme -- the first of its kind, a breakout success. Or not. Perhaps the author has a particular stature in sci-fi. Or not. Or is it just a standard pot-boiler, or not?
5. It might have positive/negative features that would lead to a recommendation to read it. Or not. Or to a star rating of some level.
These things can only be learned by reading posts with their viewpoints.
So, again, anyone?
You are right, Bob, that my comments on the last two books have been minimal.
I have deliberately refrained from detailed justifications for my negative opinions because it is my experience, through many book discussions on a number of forums, that negative comments are not generally liked. Flourishing book discussions in my experience generally occur among groups of people with broadly similar and positive thoughts about books that they have generally liked. Injecting negative comments always runs the risk of angering someone and starting arguments. Some people get very angry when they simply hear a thought different than their own, seeming to regard negative comments about the book as negative personal attacks on them. I thought my comments in both cases, though brief, did indicate my reasons for my reactions to the books.
Regarding your final statement -- about wasting time, and reminding me that it is a discussion --I miss your point. Anyone is free to respond as they wish, or not.
Regarding your "yada, yada," no comment. See previous.
It would seem that the average member in this forum plays silly little pointless games with song titles etc etc, as apposed to actually reading.
A shame, because they are missing out on a good read.
Before I'm banned for actually having an oppinion let me remind you all that this forum had far more interesting discussions before member and Raspunsul were dispensed with for that very same reason.
Neither member nor Raspunsul have been banned. The former left on his own accord, I have no idea what happened to Raspunsul.
I don't see why you should be banned for "having an opinion".