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But in facebook also read us, even there people recommend this website by our reviews about books . I have proof that it is true . By way of example, People of Italian origin but English-speaking even Italian-speaking recommend a lot my review about Io non ho Paura by Niccolo Ammaniti . We are not so invisible !!Facebook has destroyed forum activity in general.
They have »» the Edgerank algorithmSo what do they have we don't have? And what do we have they don't have?
Thank you, Sparky, for the very kind words.I can't say that I disagree with any of that.
We cannot resign ourselves to think that Nothing can be done . We shouldn't settle us for that inasmuch this isn't true ... As very difficult it sounds, we will able to achieve it !!In a lighthearted way, I think there's one thing our membership has a lot of: inertia. By which I mean that it won't be easy to change the situation. I tend to agree with Sparky about polling. Even if there were a high response rate, I think we might well end up finding out all the good reasons people have moved on. I share a yearning to get back to the old days with old friends, but I'm not optimistic....
We cannot resign ourselves to think that Nothing can be done . We shouldn't settle us for that inasmuch this isn't true ... As very difficult it sounds, we will able to achieve it !!
The last question, Will we able to solve these problems one after the other or all at the same time ?? 2 engineers + 1 geologist = it's quite tricky !!I also think that giving some thought to possible causes of the problem is a good way toward figuring out possible solutions to try.
. . . after figuring out exactly what problem one is trying to solve.
Loss of old members?
Few new members?
Lack of conversation?
Drift away from book reading?
Low daily volume?
Low hits?
What would The Madmen do?
If this were a business, I can already hear the loud shouting: "Advertise! Advertise!! Advertise!!!"
(Is there a salesman in the crowd? )
Well, I'm glad it was motivational because, however I may sound, I really am trying to be helpful. At root, I guess I just believe one should be clear-eyed before wading in.Peder, I prefer a thousand times your ironic attitude than your discouragement . Really, it's very motivating !!
The last question, Will we able to solve these problems one after the other or all at the same time ?? 2 engineers + 1 geologist = it's quite tricky !!![]()