I loved the season 4 two-part premiere. I have vague memories of Alti... she's an interesting, creepy character. I know I haven't seen the last of her and look forward to her next appearance. I was surprised by that flashforward, because I do remember that episode when Xena & Gabrielle are being nailed to crosses ("Ides of March"?). This is going to be an intense season.
Is it weird that I really liked & enjoyed "A Tale of Two Muses?" I don't know what it was, but maybe it was what I needed after that battle between Xena, Caesar, and Pompey. These last episodes have been really rough on Gabby.
I am just happy that there are breaks, what I didn't care about in the X-Files was episode after episode after episode (x 1,000,000) of major plot, like the black oil or the super soldiers (I almost called them "Super Troopers"). That's not to say that I prefer the filler episodes. I just need some time in between, some nice character stuff instead of constant action.