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  • Hey!!! So, looks like I'll be getting the IWTB/FTF Blu-Ray two pack. But before I order it, I wanted to ask you some questions about IWTB.
    In the Blu-Ray two-pack, does IWTB have all the same features that the stand alone copy has?
    Like, the extended cut, documentary, deleted scenes, gag reel, etc? I tried looking on Amazon, but I couldn't find any details on it.

    I didn't get that Blu Ray for Christmas after all. :sad: I'll just have to get it myself. ;)
    Awesome! Yeah, definitely let me know about those special features. ;) And how are you liking the HD picture?
    Hope you had a Merry Christmas.
    Aww! Bummer about the Blu-Ray. :(
    But it's good that you like it. I can't wait. I'd love to see the gag reel; I've seen bloopers/gag reel stuff on YouTube for the series and they were really funny. It's unfortunate that the slim sets of the season DVDs don't include that!
    There's a Blu-Ray two pack of FTF & IWTB? Is it at a particular store? That's awesome... because I'd be interested in getting FTF on Blu-Ray.
    No! I haven't. If I don't get it for Christmas, I'll probably get it after. :p
    And I think I probably will get it on Blu-Ray afterall. It's just a shame that the Blu-Ray player isn't a common household item yet because that means I can't watch it at my parent's house.

    Let me know if the special features are any good! ;)
    Okie dokie,did some research because I love historical fiction and this book sounds like a good read and came up with this site.
    Roma Sub Rosa Mystery Series

    From what I understood,this is the first book,but the second and so on are not continuing the same story,the second and third is a collection of short stories(which also sounds good)with Gordianus being the crime solver.If that is the case then, Roman Blood is a stand alone novel.:D
    Hey, is Roman Blood the first book of a series? Although it sounds like a very good read,I don't know if I can get into another series,I am dealing with three others.:sad:
    I payed alot of money for those 4 votes,lol:whistling: 3 more days.:innocent:
    LOL,I liked both,but you have to see the second one too.I liked the part where they are riding a cheetah? through the woods,high..histerical!The bag of weed is in the second one too...and it has nothing to do with marriage...:whistling:you have to see it.and don't forget Doogie with his unicorn dreams.LOL
    I was going to suggest you see Harold and Kumar go to Whitacastle and the 2nd one that came out a few months ago,Harold and Kumar Escape Guatanamo BayThey are not for eveyone though.:D

    And Foreign Films one of my favorite is Lust ,Caution,I have been trying to find some others that people from here have suggested,but it's not easy.
    Maybe the old woman ate her...LOL j.k
    Do you like comedy? or subtitled? movies?:whistling:
    LOL,You remember that scene where the old woman told her to close her eyes?That"s what led me to believe that maybe in all the clingyness,she kinda fell for her a bit.:whistling:
    No,I have not read the book.Was the old woman falling for her? or just wanted her all to herself?It got kinda creepy there.:lol:
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