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  1. nickupton

    Promotional tips common and obscure

    Well, one obvious thing would be to put a link to your blog in the signature to your posts on this forum so we could take a look. I have created a number of links to my birdwatching website from Wikipedia. This works well as there are already wikipedia entries for many of the birdwatching...
  2. nickupton

    Your Most Memorable Sci-Fi Book(s)

    I really like HG Wells' The Time Machine. I like the idea of humans evolving into the Moorlocks and Eloi.
  3. nickupton

    Dan Brown: Digital Fortress

    Haven't read Digital Fortress and will not be reading it unless all the other books on earth suddenly disappear. Da Vinci Code was disappointing and Deception Point was the most predicatble book I've ever read, the ending was so obvious. Truly awful.
  4. nickupton

    Wilkie Collins: The Woman in White

    The woman in white is probably one of the best written stories I've ever read. I loved the way it was written from different people's perspectives and I was really drawn into the story. I was told that the musical was poor by my mother who is an avid theatre goer. I also really enjoyed the...
  5. nickupton

    Can you recommend a British detective

    Surely you can't beat Sherlock Holmes? Anyone who can tell what the murderer had for lunch last friday just by the sound of his footsteps has to be the best detective ever? My favourite story is the dancing men - I once used this story in an English class in Thailand and the students very...
  6. nickupton

    Children's Books you still love to read today.

    The Twits by Roald Dahl - I just love the way they are so nasty to each other.
  7. nickupton

    Library, Google or something in between?

    Strangely enough I have recently rediscovered the local library. I was searching through Amazon to see which books I would like to read when I suddenly thought "oh, the library is around the corner!". I have found myself reading books that I would never have read had I not come across them in...
  8. nickupton


    Asterix Books I have been a fan of Asterix books since I was a small child and as an adult they are still great. I recently got hold of one of the later books which I didn't previoulsy own, Asterix and the Class Act, which was excellent and renewed my interest in the old books. I made a web...
  9. nickupton

    Jenna Jameson: Make Love Like A Porn Star

    I haven't read it and I will not be readin it. However, I did read Of Mice and Men as it is supposed to be an important book. I wondered what all the fuss was about - found it quite dull. Some books suffer from the Emperor's new clothes syndrome whilst others can be surprisingly good.
  10. nickupton

    Current Non-Fiction reads

    Perfect Hostage - A Life History of Aung San Suu Kyi. I am only a few chapters into it and I'm already engrossed. I have been interested in the situation in Burma for many years (I lived in Thailand for 7 years and taught some Burmese refugees) and reading this book in the light of recent events...
  11. nickupton

    Jon Krakauer: Into Thin Air

    I found Into Thin Air very interesting and read it very quickly. I also saw the Imax film made at the same time which is amazing in a visual sense. I have also read Between a Rock and a hard Place by Aron Ralston which, although it is another amazing tale, I found one of the worst written...
  12. nickupton

    Saddest/Most Depressing Novel You've Ever Read

    I remember crying loads as a kid when my mother read me a children's version of a story by Oscar Wilde (I think) - it's about a Swallow that stays with a statue into the winter and dies. I can't remember its name.
  13. nickupton

    Roland Merullo: Golfing With God

    Does it answer this question: Is god actually a force for good or is it that he is simply not a force for evil? This question is sort of dealt with in a series of books by F. Paul Wilson, beginning with "The Keep".
  14. nickupton

    Michael Crichton

    Generally I agree with Libre, Chrichton's books are childishly written. Congo was one of the worst books I've ever read, in fact i don't think I even bothered to read the last few chapters. I enjoyed Sate of Fear mostly for the fact that it lead me to some interesting scientific arguments...
  15. nickupton

    which poem/poems left a permanent impression on you?

    Spike Milligan's - I wandered lonely as a clod,: Just picking up old rags and bottles,: When onward on my way I plod,: I saw a host of axolotls We had this read out at my father's funeral as he used to repeat it at all sorts of random moments - I'm not likely to forget it.
  16. nickupton

    Voltaire: Candide

    Candide is one of my favourite books. It's all about the main idea, that is the philosophy of the time "everything is for the best, in this, the best of all worlds" is rubbish. I find this as true today as it was then. In many parts of the world this philosphy is still applied and the have-nots...
  17. nickupton

    Paul Auster: Travels In The Scriptorium

    I love Auster's Mr Vertigo, about a boy who is taught how to levitate. A really good and unusual story, written in an atmospheric style. I have had dreams about levitation for years and the method and style of levitation described in this story is exactly as in my dreams - so I was instantly...
  18. nickupton

    Susan Hill: The Woman In Black

    I haven't read the book but I have been to see the play which is brilliant. It's in a tiny theatre and there are just 3 cast members. The lighting and sound is very atmospheric and it is a rally spooky play which makes you jump. I have recommended it to many friends who have all enjoyed it a...
  19. nickupton

    Favourite Faraway Tree story

    I can't remember any particular stoires but I remember wishing I could have a go on the Slippery-slip.
  20. nickupton

    Suggestions Needed: Humorous Children's Fictions.

    You must find something by Roald Dahl, his books are great. "George's Marvellous Medicine" is probably a good one for a ten year old. "The Witches" is great, "The Twits" I love even now. "Matilda" is great and just right for a girl - I love the bit when Bruce Bogtrotter eats a whole chocolate...