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Promotional tips common and obscure


New Member
Hi there:

Thanks for letting me introduce myself on a previous post in a different section.

I am hoping for some suggestions about book promotion that will increase traffic to my website and blog/podcast.

I update all very frequently, post on a myriad of Jefferson Airplane and related sites, lecture, review, answer all email within 24 hours, ping to numerous sites for each blog and podcast update, have a good number of links going and coming to my site, can be found on the search engines easily, and my book has done nicely thus far but...................

The traffic that the blog/webcast/website gets are not where I would like it to be. Even though Feedburner is a wonderful help here is what I need to circumvent. Your help is appreciated greatly please.

Word Press where I have the Blog/Podcast has over 1 million people that have a blog and yesterday alone over 3000 people had written a blog in the first 12 hours. Even using proper and many "Tag" and "Key" phrases it is easy for a reader to only make it through a few entries.

What do you fine folks do both free/fee based?

Thanks for your help and have a great Tuesday,
Well, one obvious thing would be to put a link to your blog in the signature to your posts on this forum so we could take a look.

I have created a number of links to my birdwatching website from Wikipedia. This works well as there are already wikipedia entries for many of the birdwatching sites that I write about - I get a lot of visitors from these wikipedia links.

Maybe you could send a copy of your book to prominent book review bloggers and ask for a review?