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Search results

  1. ctadams

    If you don't smile ..

    I love most animals. Just about the only exception is the ones that have been inbred to the point of insanity. I think humans have mucked about too much with any number of purebreds (apologies to those breeders who have managed to be very careful, but you know not everyone is). This has led...
  2. ctadams

    Post a Picture!

    Pictures Hi. The picture in my avatar is me with my cat Onyx. I have another cat, Algonquin, who is absolutely gorgeous, but hides when cameras come out.
  3. ctadams

    Can overseas writers get published locally?

    Good Luck Hi! Cie here (Cathy's co-author). I didn't post because, basically, she told you what I would have. :) But I want to wish you luck in getting published. Cie
  4. ctadams

    School Children

    Reading for kids OK, there's a huge difference in my mind between 10 and 11 year olds and 15 year olds. While some kids are ready for more "mature" stuff at 10 and 11, some really aren't. With that in mind, I think I'd choose Harry Potter for the 11 year old crowd. (Millions of kids have...
  5. ctadams

    Newbie here!

    Welcome Welcome! I'm new here too. But the folks seem friendly for the most part. We even talk about books occasionally -- who'da guessed :D.
  6. ctadams


    I'm new too... I barely know about the folks who are posting about the folks who AREN'T posting. But I refuse, REFUSE to even THINK about razor blades. I'm thinking of bats. Evil space bats. IIIEEEE.
  7. ctadams

    My first...

    Trying to remember.... Hmnn. This is tricky. When I was a kid I couldn't wait to read "grown up" stuff and read very heavy things. When I got to be an adult I went back and read "kid" literature. I really enjoy the C.S. Lewis books, and books like "A Wrinkle in Time" which I skipped right...
  8. ctadams

    poirot or holmes

    I like both. I like both, but for different reasons. And as far as being social, neither of them really "fits" in regular society, partly because they look at things so very differently than everyone else. They both have quite the ego. As I recall (it's been a while, but you've inspired me...
  9. ctadams

    Jim Butcher: The Harry Dresden Chronicles

    Who all have read the Harry Dresden chronicles by Jim Butcher? This series is strictly fun reading. I'd love it if there are folks here I could talk about the books with.
  10. ctadams

    Thanksgiving Message

    Excuse me. 1) Please don't refer to me as shithead. 2) You DON'T consider stunning, drugging, binding, gagging and bagging someone on the doorstep violent? WOW, I'm impressed.
  11. ctadams

    Thanksgiving Message

    Wow Ok, I'm a little stunned. What starts out as a tribute to Thanksgiving has turned really, seriously aggressive and political. I'm an American. I love my country. I don't always agree with what's done in her name, but I don't think anyone, anywhere is in complete agreement with their...
  12. ctadams

    Happy Birthday Mike!

    Happy Birthday. Despite the fact that (SOB) I didn't get greetings Monday for my birthday (I AM joking bythe way!). :D Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy BIRTHDAY, happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. I hope you have fun. Whatever you do. With cake and some...
  13. ctadams

    Happy Birthday Themistocles!!

    Happy Birthday Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy BIRTHDAY, happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. I hope you have fun. Whatever you do. With cake and some presents. And maybe drinks too. Cie
  14. ctadams

    Harry Potter VI

    Just Guessing OK, I'll jump in and give my guesses. 1) Ron and Hermione end up together. 2) Dumbledore gets killed off (most good mentors do. Doesn't make me want to mentor much, I gotta say ;) ) 3) I think that Voldemort will die, but it will be something that isn't so much a...
  15. ctadams

    Old Christmas Threads (gifts, well wishes, etc)

    Christmas Shopping I usually pick things up along during the year and stick them in the closet, forget I got them, panic, buy a bunch of gifts, get ready to put them in the closet, see the others, curse because I spent extra money I shouldn't have and didn't need to... It's really rather a...
  16. ctadams

    Thanksgiving Message

    Happy Thanksgiving Setting aside politics (it gives me a headache!) I would like to wish each and everyone here plenty, happiness and joy for the holiday. I have an amazing amount to be thankful for this year. I hope you do too. I may not always agree with my country's leaders. But I love...
  17. ctadams

    Writers block!!!!!!

    Writer's Block If you can get a look at a copy of Stephen King's "On Writing" he has some suggestions. (Good for that all important Bibliography reference). 1) Try to write at the same place and time daily. 2) Read 3) Talk with a co-author or writer's group about the "wrote myself...
  18. ctadams

    Spenser novels: Robert B Parker

    Spenser I truly enjoy the Spensers. Some are, of course, better than others. My personal favorite is Double Deuce. My son's favorite is Potshot. I think he does some things exceptionally well. First, his supporting characters are rich and well-developed. Second, he shows an ongoing...
  19. ctadams

    Killing Off Characters

    I'm doing an informal survey. I did this on another site also. I feel that it is very important when writing an adventure (i.e., murder mystery, paranormal, etc.) with action that the writer have the option of killing off characters. I find it utterly unbelievable that a humongous baddie can...
  20. ctadams


    Responding I was thinking actually died in the dream and the dream went on (either with or without you in it). I have had two where I was murdered. The body was dead, being hauled away, and my spirit was above the scene watching it all. I have a very strong set of religious beliefs, so I...