Mysticgamer1987 said:
I am writing a book for my senior project, but I need to write a research paper that is seven to ten pages long (AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!) so I decided to do it on obsticles that authors go through, and I was wondering weather or not anyone had any remedies that could help me with the writers block portion of my papar.
Seven to ten?! Pfft! Try being under contract to deliver 400 pages on deadline and having a block!
Anyway, back on subject -- one of the primary obstacles that cause writer's block is writing your character into an inescapable box. The hero is exhausted, starving, out of ammo in a sealed house with 100 bad guys slowly surrounding him. Now imagine it's only page 200!

There's just nowhere to go that won't kill the hero. But you really, REALLY like the scenes leading up to the house.

Hmm. Being a professional author means sucking it up and either killing the hero (meaning the book is over and you won't be able to deliver the required pages to the publisher), scrap the scenes you like and try to salvage them later, or (and this is what MOST authors do, to readers' great annoyance), discover

an abandoned mine with a trap door right under where the hero is standing! There's food and water in the mine and it leads right out into the sunlight and away from the bad guys. This is called "writing to pay the mortgage", rather than "writing to create a great story". Readers know the difference, but sometimes the book is due when the book is due, and the block won't go away!
(Oh, and if it's your senior project and you want a good grade -- it's "whether" instead of "weather".
