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Search results

  1. Mattyj

    Last seen...

    I watched Everything is Illuminated last night - I loved it! I own the book, but have yet to read it - now I am really looking forward to it. Has anyone else seen this movie, and if so, what did you think?
  2. Mattyj

    What books have you hated?

    Catch-22.. I hated it. This was not a book I chose to read, but an assignment. We then spent a good 3 weeks analyzing it to death. The whole paradox thing just wore me out.
  3. Mattyj

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    The Pony Man- Gordon Lightfoot
  4. Mattyj

    Pirates of the Caribbean 2

    I went and saw the movie tonight and I was really disappointed :( . It seemed to me like the movie drug on forever. I was looking at my watch after an hour and a half and cringing because there was another hour yet to go. I found myself wishing it would just be over. But, my opinion may have...
  5. Mattyj

    Randomness! Yay!

    I too fear clowns. Growing up my mom had this hobo-clown doll that sat at the end of the hallway on a little park bench... utterly terrifying. I also have an irrational fear of Hoover Dam...:eek:
  6. Mattyj

    How's the weather where you live?

    ugh...102 here right now. I'm a cold weather gal...this heat is just not workin' for me! I'm melting... :cool:
  7. Mattyj

    Favorite Off the Wall Authors and their Characters

    I had heard a few years ago that One For the Money was going to be a movie...darn it, I wish they'd hurry up! :) My vote is for Sandra Bullock for Stephanie- I think she'd be hilarious. For the other characters...I just don't know. I think your choices are all good..Benjamin Bratt could...
  8. Mattyj

    Just formally introducing myself

    Hello and welcome! :)
  9. Mattyj

    Greetings humans!

    Welcome! :)
  10. Mattyj

    Favorite Off the Wall Authors and their Characters

    Spikeyli, I'm a fan of the Stephanie Plum series as well. They are great for an entertaining read when you don't feel like concentrating too hard! A friend of mine owned a used book store and he introduced me to the series years ago. I've been hooked ever since. :)
  11. Mattyj

    Hey all =^.^=

    I like this half-birthday idea. :D Welcome to the forum! :)
  12. Mattyj

    Hi All

    You've found the right place! Welcome! :)
  13. Mattyj

    What are you listening to Right now?

    What I Got - Sublime
  14. Mattyj

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    Ride the Lightning - Metallica
  15. Mattyj

    Your Favorite 10 Films of the 90's?

    The Shawshank Redemption Saving Private Ryan The Sixth Sense Fargo Grumpy Old Men Ghost American Beauty Benny and Joon Groundhog Day Good Will Hunting
  16. Mattyj

    Last seen...

    I finally saw March of the Penguins. I had no idea how amazing penguins are and the fact that Morgan Freeman narrates it...well...that just makes it all the better!
  17. Mattyj

    new in the forum!

    Hello and welcome! :)
  18. Mattyj

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    Looks That Kill -Motley Crue! :D
  19. Mattyj

    Work out?

    I get really bored at the gym, so I have to find other activities to keep me in shape. I do a ton of dirt bike riding and play softball a few nights a week in the summer. Come winter I snowboard and snowshoe with my dogs.
  20. Mattyj

    Reporting from Lebanon

    I can't imagine how this feels.... my thoughts and prayers are with you, Samerron.