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Hey all =^.^=


New Member
Hey there... greetings from New Hampshire. :)

I just spend the last week reading a book I just couldn't put down, and needed to talk about it. So today I decided to google some book forums and voila! Here I am. This forum is set up pretty much like another one I'm a part of, so I like how I already have a feel for it and know how to get around - a big reason I joined this one rather than continuing my search.

Anyway, I'm 25 years old, though my half-birthday is just around the corner, born and raised in southern New Hampshire (usa). I pretty much stick to reading fiction, usually fantasy. Some authors that show up quite a bit on my shelves are Nicholas Sparks, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, David Eddings and Neil Gaiman. I'm one of those people that has a whole shelf or two of books that haven't been read yet, and has promised not to buy another one until they're all read (with certain exceptions).

Other than reading, I also like music (listening, singing, interested in learning some instruments), movies (I like a lot of different genres), playing games (pool, chess and card games are a way to my heart), writing (or trying to), drawing and just basically keeping it together on a day to day basis. :)

Well, I really hate talking about myself, so I'll end it there. Have a good one.
Welcome to the forum, Kittybrat! :)

Your half-birthday? I've never heard that one before. Is that a way to get two lots of presents in a year? I'll have to try that! :D