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  1. blueboatdriver

    Sports - Do You Enjoy

    Talking about sport, in the UK anyway, especially if you get into the realms of football (soccer), is akin to talking religion or politics. If you check out the message boards on the BBC website after a match between, say, Manchester utd. and Liverpool most of the post are removed as it gets so...
  2. blueboatdriver

    rubaiyat of omar khayyam by edward fitzgerald

    Clickety click click Try here. I just Googled it and it came up with loads.
  3. blueboatdriver

    Hi all :)

    Hello Paid, I'm also from Dorset in England. Maybe we've browsing in Borders at the same time:eek: I'm from Poole how about you?
  4. blueboatdriver

    Do you skim or read every word?

    I have to read every word. If I suddenly find I don't understand something or the punctuation as got me a bit confused I have to go back five or ten lines to get the flow going again. I'm finding this with the book I'm reading at present; it's written as a story being told to a group and...
  5. blueboatdriver

    Oi to all

    Hi Varsha, You should have read Trinity first; a real eye opener. Too political and religion orientated to be discussed on this forum though;)
  6. blueboatdriver

    José Saramago: Blindness

    Finished reading this book this morning so I thought I'd have a look at this thread. Anyone reading this thread thinking of reading Blindness should not be put off by it's lack of punctuation; I think I saw full only stops and commas. After a couple of pages you soon get used to it and...
  7. blueboatdriver

    TBF: Moderation Issues

    I've just checked out prisontalk and there's now 2200 on there. I bet the moderation team on there take plenty of shit. Probably make the odd spat on here seem like a walk in the park.;)
  8. blueboatdriver

    TBF: Moderation Issues

    very busy forum If you think this is busy just see how many are on line on this one at the moment.:eek: just scroll to the bottom to see how many
  9. blueboatdriver

    Herman Hesse: Steppenwolf

    I read Steppenwolf a few months ago. I really enjoyed it but would probably benefit from another read one day. I wouldn't say it was a normal book as it's not told in a straightfoward manner. Unless you know the person's reading habits it's not the sort of book I would give to just anybody.
  10. blueboatdriver

    Name That Tune

    Here we go then: ......and a hundred lonley housewives clutch empty milk-bottles to their hearts..........
  11. blueboatdriver

    Can we play an A-Z game?...

    Sorry, I never realised we were using "the library card catalogue system";) :) Harry Potter; not the one I didn't mention three or four goes ago:confused:
  12. blueboatdriver

    Can we play an A-Z game?...

    Also I htink if the Title has a "The" in it, it begins with "T" no messing:cool:
  13. blueboatdriver

    Name That Tune

    Bill Hayley and hte Comets- Rock around the clock
  14. blueboatdriver

    The New 4 Word Story

    are alright for fighting
  15. blueboatdriver

    The New 4 Word Story

    [wait a minute while I look up aposio' whatever it was]:confused: oh and glabrous
  16. blueboatdriver

    The New 4 Word Story

    our original chicken's feathers
  17. blueboatdriver

    Calling in sick to work-do you do it?

    Horatio who?:confused:
  18. blueboatdriver

    Can we play an A-Z game?...

    Harry Potter by what's her name. ( I can't believe that's the only book I could think of begining with H)
  19. blueboatdriver

    The New 4 Word Story

    the chance whilst you've
  20. blueboatdriver

    The New 4 Word Story

    or maybe his brother