im new to this forum so this may well be in the wrong place.
Also im not an expert on books so keep with me.
i found this old book in my loft, my camera isnt working but i found this picture on ebay. Its basicly the same just without the "illustrated in colour by WILLY POGANY", also its better condition than this.

the point of this is that im thinking about selling this book, but i dont know much about it, or how much it could be worth.
on the first page, it has the name E. S. Halwaw (probably an old ancester) and the year 1949. So i know its quite old... Also nowhere in the book does it mension any other additionsso does that mean it is a first adition?
also one page before start it has this:
"the illustrations and decorations in this edition of Fitzgerald's translation of "rubaiyat
2 are by Willy Pogany"
dont know if any of this is useful in any way but i thought i would put it in just in case.
Ive been searching around but i dont know what exacly im looking for. so please help!
im new to this forum so this may well be in the wrong place.
i found this old book in my loft, my camera isnt working but i found this picture on ebay. Its basicly the same just without the "illustrated in colour by WILLY POGANY", also its better condition than this.

the point of this is that im thinking about selling this book, but i dont know much about it, or how much it could be worth.
on the first page, it has the name E. S. Halwaw (probably an old ancester) and the year 1949. So i know its quite old... Also nowhere in the book does it mension any other additionsso does that mean it is a first adition?
also one page before start it has this:
"the illustrations and decorations in this edition of Fitzgerald's translation of "rubaiyat
2 are by Willy Pogany"
dont know if any of this is useful in any way but i thought i would put it in just in case.
Ive been searching around but i dont know what exacly im looking for. so please help!