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Search results

  1. H

    Collaborative stories: Discussion thread.

    Just thought I'd pop by and say how much I like your collaborative story - keep it up guys, can't wait to read the next installment.
  2. H

    Book recommendation? (Geopolitical/Terrorism)

    Not sure this is exactly what your looking for, but you might be interested in: James Herbert - '48 (synopsis taken from Amazon - In 1945 Hitler unleashes the Blood Death on Britain as his final act of vengeance. Only a handful of people with a rare blood group survive) Stephen King - The...
  3. H

    books you never finished... and don't want to.

    The only one I can think of at the moment is Crime and Punishment. Have now tried and failed twice to read this, I even got over half way last time but it became harder and harder to pick it up and read it. I don't even know where it is now.
  4. H

    Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code

    Thanks to you fine folks here I went out and bought this and have just finished it. I loved it and will definitely put his other books on my reading list. I would recommend to others (I mentioned this at the beginning of the thread) John Case - The Genesis Code if you enjoyed this. It is...
  5. H

    What is your battle cry?

    Thought I'd share this one with you: :rolleyes: Using my real name I get: Lo! Who is that, stalking out of the mountains! It is ________, hands clutching a burning branch! She screams homicidally: "I'm going to hump you until you bleed puke!" Interesting turn of phrase...
  6. H

    What is your battle cry?

    Mine's pretty lame. :( Sprinting on the tundra, clutching a vorpal blade, cometh Headpodd! And she gives a bloodthirsty bellow: "I'm going to torment you until you can no longer smell pretty things!"
  7. H

    BBC Radio 4 - Daily Quiz

    This uncultured Brit only got 4/10. :(
  8. H

    New Books

    That'll be my Monday evening spent down WHSmiths then. Thanks for tip off Phil.
  9. H


    Hi Linz Welcome to the forum. Enjoy. :)
  10. H


    Welcome to the forums Liv. I like your signature/quote. Enjoy
  11. H

    Not for the faint hearted!

    So being a Monday night, things here are a little slow.... I played this clip and all I saw was the cat walking along the path and getting in through the sun roof, and then it came to the end. Whilst I appreciate that some here have a rather 'interesting' sense of humour :D I fail to see...
  12. H

    Arthur Golden: Memoirs Of A Geisha

    The thing that I enjoyed about this book, as well as the very well told life (and love) story was the insight it gave me into Japan and the way of life during the time. Being fairly clueless about Japanese history, I thought it was fascinating and truly transported me into a different world (as...
  13. H

    Sebastian Faulks

    I read Birdsong a couple of years ago, it was good, didn't live up to the hype for me, and didn't inspire me to read Charlotte Grey. But it was still good. I think. I can't really remember too much about it, which for me tells me I didn't enjoy it that much. I still maintain it was good...
  14. H

    Lost in translation

    Some translations are just so bad - it really depends. Of course, to be true to the original you need to read it in its original language, but there are some good translations out there. Whilst studying French literature I read Zola in French and in English - I have to say the English...
  15. H

    What's your Pirate name?

    Your pirate name is: Red Ethel Flint Passion is a big part of your life, which makes sense for a pirate. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr! I can't believe I just spent five minutes of my life doing that. :rolleyes:
  16. H

    My first poem (and probably my last)

    Partly inspired by the excellent poems which have been appearing on these boards, I have put together the thing below. I would not deem to call it poetry as have no clue as to write poetry but is probably more of a bunch of thoughts put down on paper. I quite enjoyed writing it though. Please...
  17. H

    Question for the Brits

    If I was saying it I'd say Thursday the 1st of April 2004. If I was writing it in a letter as the date of the letter I'd leave off the day of the week and write 1st April 2004. If however I wanted to write it in a letter as a particular day someone needed to come in for a meeting etc I'd put...
  18. H

    Britain's Best Sitcom

    I love this sitcom too. I think the main reason it was so good was the fact that it had Ronnie Barker in it - a true comedy genius.
  19. H

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I bought 3 on Saturday (WH Smiths are / were doing a 3 for the price of 2 offer) I bought: Dan Brown - The Da Vinci Code Douglas Adams - The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (The Trilogy of Four) Kathy Reichs - Bare Bones Will be popping back in tomorrow after work to see if the offer...
  20. H

    Favorite Young adult authors

    You got to love Thomas the Tank Engine. Even now I have a soft spot for the books and programmes - I always watch it if I'm off work and it's on. (I'm 28 year's old :rolleyes: ). I like Percy best. :D Anyway, I digress...favourite childrens / young adults authors would have to be Enid...