i can tell you about english to spanish books
i read a lot of books in english since paperbacks come first in english and they are cheaper than hardcovers in spanish
(assuming english is the original language)
it depends in the translator, i read LASHER in a paper back edition
in an U.S. book house (random house i think) then i read a Grijalbo edition (a big book house that seems to be in every spanish speaking country since forever, -just researched- mexican house merged with italian one -mondadori-, and now its call random house mondadori) with a really nice translation, and then i read it in an spaniard (its that the right word in english?) house call ediciones zeta, which was lousy, (they even change the name -which i not sure but think its a first name -used like that in the book- to IMPULSOR -meaning IMPELLER- its any conection betwen lasher and impeller that im not aware of? i mean after reading the books i can find some sense to the word but it wasnt the autor intention to name the book like that, and i dont think the word impeller its very used -if it is actually used which i doubt- in the books) i notice cause i was looking for a certain paragraft and it wasnt there, so i took my U.S. copy and start comparing and there was a lot of bits missing (the first and last time i read a book from zeta)
so i would say it depends on the translator (and the book house that affords to have bad translators) - my advice if you are goin to buy a translated book, always try to buy it from a book house which you know its reliable and prestigious. even if that means buying a second hand edition -and save some money


im really starting to hate my touch pad (im using a laptop) i had to write all over again because of the go back funtion