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  1. H

    Invented Words

    I say go for it - although you may get some criticism from purists if the book is ever published. But I still say go for it. "The boy stole a peashooter, and peashot his dog." 'Peashot' - you've got to love that word. :)
  2. H


    Hi R.J. Welcome to the forum. :)
  3. H


    Hi Ally Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy it here. :)
  4. H

    Frank Herbert: Dune

    Sorry to resurrect this thread but I am so glad to have found someone saying something (anything) negative about Dune. I was beginning to think I was a freak. I read this only a couple of months ago - and thought it was very well-written and imaginative. It was hugely indepth and conjoured...
  5. H


    I have never seen bold type used in a novel before either. Why don't you use words to convey the fact that he is shouting very loudly, eg "I'm shouting!" he shouted very loudly/screamed/yelled etc, etc. Sorry that's the best I can do - if I see anything inspirational while I'm...
  6. H

    hello fellow wormys

    Welcome to the forum Mr Hazabaza. This is the second thing in a row I've seen with Phil posting in it drunkendly. :D He must have gone on one hell of a messaging session when he came back from the pub. :D
  7. H

    Thomas Hardy

    It's not that I think he's a terrible writer - he is far better than say DH Lawrence - but he's just completely miserable and his books are depressing. I wonder if there are any Hardy books which are light and have a happy ending? I would guess not - but would be quite an interesting thing...
  8. H

    Selling used books

    Best place for them. :)
  9. H

    Moyra Caldecott: Guardians of the Tall Stones

    I believe that may be Guardians of The Tall Stones which was originally published as three separate books: The Tall Stones, The Temple of the Sun, Shadow on the Stones. I could be wrong though.
  10. H

    Thomas Hardy

    'Jude the Obscure' is hugely depressing - I won't give it away to anyone who hasn't read it and wants to (although I wouldn't recommend it) but all I can say is Jude's whole life is affected by the worst kind of Sod's Law. Thomas Hardy at his most melancholy would be in his poems - they are all...
  11. H

    Book Titles A-Z

    X 20 by Richard Beard
  12. H

    Book Titles A-Z

    Void Moon - Michael Connelly
  13. H

    Philip Pullman: His Dark Materials

    Thanks for info on this. Am looking forward very much to reading the next two installments. I find the debate about what constitutes a childrens book quite funny. I remember when I was a kid alternating between Stephen King, 'The Animals of Farthing Wood', James Herbert and Nancy Drew...
  14. H

    Disillusioned graduates / downshifting

    A very interesting article indeed. I agree with all that has been said about the teaching profession - a very underpaid job for the stress involved - particularly here in London ( but that's a different argument). Downshifting - here is my experience of: I had a really good job in a...
  15. H

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    I remember watching it as a small child and absolutely loving it - but that is all I can remember about it. The book is on my reading list this year - my brother was reading it at christmas - I tried to pinch it off him but failed miserably. Guess I'll just have to shake the moths out of my...
  16. H

    Philip Pullman: His Dark Materials

    His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman My aim for the new year was to read the top five favourite books in the UK so, having not heard prevously about 'His Dark Materials', I was intrigued and went out and bought them. I have just read the first one - Northern Lights. I thought it was...
  17. H

    looking for good short stories

    Try some Edgar Allen Poe. In my opinion one of the best short story writers of all time. I'm a horror fan though. :) His stories can be found on the internet here: http://bau2.uibk.ac.at/sg/poe/Work.html
  18. H

    Ian Rankin

    I've read all the Rankin novels - in my opinion they are worth reading unless you don't enjoy detective novels. I will always look out for and buy his new novels. He reminds me of Michael Connelly's Harry Bosch series but I prefer Connelly by miles. Would recommend both to anyone who...
  19. H

    Selling used books

    I can only suggest ebay as i don't live in the states - i have seen lots of people trying to sell books there (as I use it to look for first editions), sometimes they sell them in 'job lots'. Generally they don't get much money for them unless they are firsts though. :( Personnally, I...
  20. H

    John Grisham

    I like John Grisham - I think my favourite is also The Runaway Jury, although I also enjoyed The Brethren and The Partner. My least favourite of his was probably The Testament (although haven't read A Painted House - yet).