hello. i am not a very good reader, but am trying very hard to better my reading abilities. i currently am a senior in highschool, and im going to make the leap into college next fall. because of this transition, im sure that im going to have to be a better reader to do well in college. i read more slowly than most people and i sometimes have difficulty understanding what i am reading and i also find it hard to concentrate sometimes. take for instance shakespear. i cannot for the life of me read that stuff. it is way, way, way beyond me. i personally like short stories. i usually can stay focussed and read through them fairly easily, and i have gotten a lot of anthologies through school. also, my little brother who is an avid reader has a collection of short stories by kurt vonegut and i really loved pretty much all of them i read. well, to try to improve my reading, i was wondering if some of you could direct me to some good short stories that are on the internet (i hate going to the library). well, whatever you guys could tell me i would very much appreciate