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Search results

  1. Aardvark

    Chocolate Hob-nobs

    Hob nobs - yum!Dark chocolate covered ginger nuts - double yum!
  2. Aardvark


    across the busy road
  3. Aardvark

    Rate the new Potter book here

    Prior to reading HBP i guessed the either Snape, Hagrid or Dumbledore would be the character that was killed. I didn't really think about who the HBP might be as the plot was not about discovering the HBP's identity. I think it is the best of the series, it certainly kept me hooked as i...
  4. Aardvark

    Question Game

    Yes, to a girl in my class at school, I think most of the boys had a crush on her. I didn't show her the poem because i was too shy if you had three wishes whay would they be?
  5. Aardvark


    find the right words
  6. Aardvark

    Warp 9, Engage!

    Surely we all forward travel in time as it is? To travel to a specific point in time by an accelerated means is the tricky bit. To travel to the future would be like going into an empty room, there would be nothing there because it wouldn’t exist until you get there and then it would look...
  7. Aardvark


    on seedy street corners
  8. Aardvark


    an alluringly beautiful witch
  9. Aardvark


    the nut munching rodents
  10. Aardvark

    Question Game

    The Bath. There is nothing quite like laying down in a deep hot bath and reading till the water goes cold and your skin goes all wrinkled. Plain chocolate or milk chocolate?
  11. Aardvark

    desperately seeking...

    They are new to me, i think the late great John Peel played them on his show Try this link, theres not a lot there but it may help:) http://web.onetel.net.uk/~spazoom/catalogue/skinnedteen-totaltigerbeat.html
  12. Aardvark


    a pleasing chipmonk pastime
  13. Aardvark

    Warp 9, Engage!

    Ok, so if light takes 8 minutes to travel from the sun to earth and superluminous speed brings that down to say 7 minutes. The orbital positions of the planets will still be predictable so navigation in a know universe would still be possible. (brain hurts must stick to counting ants...
  14. Aardvark


    a chipmonk will appear!
  15. Aardvark

    Warp 9, Engage!

    The sloth of dark I remember a hoary old chestnut of a physics problem about firing a bullet from the front of a speeding train. The bullet left the gun at 100 mph but the train travelled at 200mph so did the bullet ever get out of the gun. Of course it did with a total speed of 300mph...
  16. Aardvark


    he posted with feeling
  17. Aardvark

    To start things off: Favorite books

    To add to a growing list Tarka the Otter and all the other Henry Williamson books The Midwitch Cuckoos, John Wenham The Viking series by Henry Treece Stig of the Dump by Clive King The What a Mess stories by Frank Muir (more for the quirky illustrations) Rudyard Kipling, Just so stories
  18. Aardvark


    banoffe pie and meringues
  19. Aardvark


    taste great with butter
  20. Aardvark


    more so than trolls