New Member
As a youngun I just adored Judy Blume books. Oh, I thought Wifey was soooo risque! And VC Andrews' books were readily traded among us junior highers
. I also remember reading most of the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew and Boppsie Twins books.
The Narnia Chronicles are at the top of my list for best loved books
Joni by Joni by Joni Erickson(spelled right?) was another well loved book.
As to Little Women, I still love pulling it out and rereading it just for fun.
There is one book I would love to get another copy of for my daughter. It was called " The Girl Next Door". I think it was written in the late 30's or early 40's. I don't remember the author. It was about a girl that had had polio and her confinement and eventual recovery. And interspersed between the chapters were neat little hygiene tips. I LOVED that book!

The Narnia Chronicles are at the top of my list for best loved books
As to Little Women, I still love pulling it out and rereading it just for fun.
There is one book I would love to get another copy of for my daughter. It was called " The Girl Next Door". I think it was written in the late 30's or early 40's. I don't remember the author. It was about a girl that had had polio and her confinement and eventual recovery. And interspersed between the chapters were neat little hygiene tips. I LOVED that book!