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Search results

  1. I

    Elizabeth Kostova: The Historian

    I'm really struggling with writing my opinions on this book down. If I had just encountered this book through some friend's recommendation, I think I would be on here proclaiming how great it was. And I DO feel that this was a very good book. But this book got a LOT of hype, and I was...
  2. I

    What Did You Read in February?

    Read: The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova Dracula by Bram Stoker The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood The Curious Incident of a Dog in the Night by Mark Haddon Iceberg by Clive Cussler Raise the Titanic by Clive Cussler Still reading: Ghostwritten by David Mitchell
  3. I

    The Best Character in Fiction?

    My all-time favorite comes from my favorite book: Edmond Dantes from Count of Monte Cristo My favorites in 2005: Smithy Ide from The Memory of Running and Fermin Romero de Torres from The Shadow of the Wind. :)
  4. I

    What is the longest book/work you've ever read?

    I love long books. If it's a good story, the longer the better. Not sure which of these is the longest, it depends on the version. Count of Monte Cristo The Stand Atlas Shrugged Battlefield Earth Those just happen to be my four favorite books.
  5. I

    Wonderful site!

    I signed up for the quarterly. I like the newsletters, and thought it was worth a three-month subscription to browse the new features. The only issue I have, and I e-mailed the site about it, is that you can't add any books to your TBR list that they don't have in their database. And they...
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    Wonderful site!

    I think you can still browse around, but the newsletter that listed all new releases and recommendations is no longer free. This was just instituted yesterday.
  7. I

    Wonderful site!

    Kinda sucks that they just went to a pay-site and that the newsletter is only for members.:mad:
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    Why do so many people feel that their opinion is the only possible correct opinion, and that anyone who disagrees with them is wrong?
  9. I

    James Michener

    Finished Tales of the South Pacific last night. Very good book. Not one of my favorites, but I definitely enjoyed it. I think I'll add Hawaii to my TBR list, unless someone can convince me that another of his books is better. :D
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    James Michener

    Thanks. I appreciate it. :)
  11. I

    James Michener

    I'm in the middle of Tales of the South Pacific right now. Very good book so far. Are all of his books written similar to this one? TotSP is several short stories that are very loosely connected (and sometimes not at all). I was thinking of reading Hawaii at some point, but the reason I...
  12. I

    Large book chains vs. small indep.stores-which do you prefer?

    I buy from the store that has the book I want at the best price, which nine times out of ten is the big chain stores. And I don't feel bad about it for a second. Capitalism rules! :)
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    need help...

    Sometimes I think you guys come down a little too hard on people asking questions, but Bookie deserves every bit of negativity he/she has received and then some. And that shorthand internet speak needs to die a quick death. :D
  14. I

    Locked Threads?

    Why are the 'just finished reading' and 'currently reading' threads locked? Are they locked for everyone else as well?
  15. I

    How to Raise Readers

    I have a 7-month old at home right now. During the day with the babysitter (my sister-in-law), he watches one hour of Sesame Street and 1/2 hour of Boobah each day. Other than that, the TV is off until he is in bed. (He might also watch a little Pistons basketball or Packers football with...
  16. I

    Other forums?

    Exactly what I was saying.
  17. I

    Other forums?

    I didn't mean that I had searched regarding a specific book, etc. I meant that I did a quick search to make sure I wasn't starting a duplicate thread asking about other forums. Sorry for any confusion.
  18. I

    Currently Reading

    Currently about 2/3 of the way through the third book in the Chronicles of Narnia (The Horse and His Boy). Next up is Life of Pi if someone at my public library would return the damn thing. I am #1 on the hold list with four copies checked out.
  19. I

    Currently Reading

    One of my favorites. The only other King book that comes close is It.
  20. I

    Other forums?

    Thanks. I think I just found out how I will be spending my afternoon.