Active Member
angerball said:find a Dan Brown forum on the net, where they are always discussing his books
I've already listed one but he seems too lazy (os stupid!) to go and look there.
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angerball said:find a Dan Brown forum on the net, where they are always discussing his books
Seems like this thread is going nowhere, we've answered his/her question numerous times.angerball said:find a Dan Brown forum on the net, where they are always discussing his books - you should be able to get your answers there.
Stewart said:Believe it or not, there's quite a number of them: some praising him, others working as communities to discredit him, etc.
Given that Bookie is probably done here, I'm deviating to Isabell's link.Isabell said:Hey Stewert, Doesn't this guy here seem similar to our ignorant friend in the cult forum? Typing with his text messaging abbreviations?
Kookamoor said:Given that Bookie is probably done here, I'm deviating to Isabell's link.
I can't believe admin. would consider banning someone over text message speak. It seems a little harsh. Despite the fact that I find text speach heinous to read and incredibly pointless outside of a media format where one must limit the number of characters, I don't think one should be banned for it.
I also don't like how new members on that forum are listed as 'Strangers' under their web name. Very unwelcoming.
Isabell said:Why the hell are schools teaching Dan Brown???? Whatever happened to "A Tale of Two Cities"? Shakespeare??? What the hell is going on in this world???
Isabell said:Why the hell are schools teaching Dan Brown???? Whatever happened to "A Tale of Two Cities"? Shakespeare??? What the hell is going on in this world???
angerball said:Well, in a way, it probably encourages more students to get into reading. I know when I was in high school, and had to study Shakespeare, I hated it. It did absolutely nothing for me. I think I would have preferred Dan Brown to Shakespeare.![]()
ions said:There's still Atwood, Mistry, MacDonald, Haddon, Rushdie...but hey, Dan Brown...
MonkeyCatcher said:Oh a Dan Brown /professional/. Well why didn't you ask straight away? I've done a BA in Dan Brown, but I'm really hoping to get a Masters degree.. it's my life's dream.
LolSFG75 said:Cant' go wrong asking Monkey. Her paper: Postmodern themes and Oedipal urges in The Da Vinci Code is an excellent read.![]()
igbomb said:And that shorthand internet speak needs to die a quick death.
MonkeyCatcher said:Surely the people teaching others about how to write should realise the poor writing style of the books?
Isabell said:but the "Religious" content in The Da Vinci Code does nothing to evangelize people. It's just part of the plot. As a Catholic, I see nothing "religious" about it.