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Search results

  1. veggiedog

    Most Disappointing Authors?

    I loved The Cather in the Rye! It seems strange to me that everyone who doesn't like seem to know tons of people who do, while I'm the only person I know (since we read it in class) who liked it at all, except for this one dork in my Biology class who picks his nose when he thinks no one's...
  2. veggiedog

    How's the weather where you live?

    Detroit (suburbs): Too warm for January. Lots of rain for the past two weeks (melting all the snow, if there was any in the first place). Previously bitter cold, but currently hovering around 35 degrees Fahrenheit. This is pathetic. How are supposed to get any more snow days with weather like...
  3. veggiedog

    Question Game

    Nectarines, of course! If you could travel to any place in the world, (and you wouldn't lose your job or have to worry about expenses) where would you go?
  4. veggiedog

    Books you were forced to read at school!

    Books we are reading in American Lit this year: The Pearl (Steinbeck) To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Twain, that genius) The Catcher in the Rye (JD Salinger) Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury) As I Lay Dying (Faulkner) Their Eyes Were Watching God (Zora...
  5. veggiedog

    What's Your Favourite Roald Dahl Book?

    My Top 5: Matilda Fantastic Mr. Fox Charlie and the Chocolate Factory James and the Giant Peach BoyI don't know about The BFG or The Twits because I don't remember the latter very well, and our library copy of the former was disgusting.:D
  6. veggiedog

    anyone know of the author or title of this book?

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think you may be looking for Dragon's Bait (or something like that) by Vivian Vande Velde. Hope I've helped!
  7. veggiedog

    Your 10 favourite books of all time

    Top Ten (kind of) To Kill a Mockingbird The Catcher in the Rye Fahrenheit 451 The Little Prince The Lord of the Rings The Alchemist Animal Farm Pride and Prejudice Memoirs of a Geisha Enders Game Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (my first favorite book ever :D)No particular order--just the...
  8. veggiedog

    recommendations for newbies to horror

    Thanks guys! A lot of this stuff is now on my to-be-read list (that is, if I ever get around to it.) The Picture of Dorian Gray -- Wilde The Shining -- King Frankenstein -- Shelley Dracula -- Stoker Good for starters? What books would you recommend at firsts for the authors you've...
  9. veggiedog

    Michigander, 30 mi from ghetto Detroit

    I've never read anything by Barbara Vine, though I believe The Collector is on by to-be-read list. You mean this??? You just highlight the world you want to create a link with, click on the little globe symbol with the chain in your toolbar, and enter the URL of the site in the pop-up box. Hope...
  10. veggiedog

    Alan Moore: V for Vendetta

    They're making a movie out of this?!?! How could I not know about this?!?! I loved it! It was smart and hypnotizing, and funny in a sadistic way. I like how everything ties together so well. The plotline is very flowing. :D
  11. veggiedog

    Michigander, 30 mi from ghetto Detroit

    Gracias to all you peeps!
  12. veggiedog

    What's your favourite word? And worst?

    favorites: amaranthine, opalescent least favorite: f-word
  13. veggiedog

    Michigander, 30 mi from ghetto Detroit

    Indeed, you are correct, my friend. It's not so much the event that I find fascinating, but the concept. Imagine being hurt by someone repeatedly, but not caring because you love or respect them or feel sympathetic for them. I'm not saying it's necessarily a good or a bad thing, because it...
  14. veggiedog


    I loved Freakonomics, and it has very little to do with numbers (well, actually there are a lot of numbers involved, but they only enhance the reading experience, to put it cheesily). There's a lot of stuff revealed in the book that people haven't always through about or questioned before, but...
  15. veggiedog

    recommendations for newbies to horror

    I'm kind of new to horror. What would be good starters for people who want a good scare but don't plan on wetting the bed or having delusionary nightmares on their first night after reading?
  16. veggiedog

    Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle

    Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle was the first book I ever read completely on my own. I LOVED it! I had the whole book memorized, as I remember now. It deserves a place on every child's bookshelf, between Harry the Dirty Dog and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
  17. veggiedog

    Michigander, 30 mi from ghetto Detroit

    BTW, I watched Bend it like Beckham and it wasn't bad. But I must agree it's not exactly Bollywood (not exactly the typical Bollywoodian full-blown musical extravaganza complete with lip-syncing actresses in delectable silk saris and perfectly choreographed spontaneous group dances, is it? :D)
  18. veggiedog

    Michigander, 30 mi from ghetto Detroit

    I'm a very picky reader, but have no specific genre I stick to, except I avoid contemporary fiction (I get enough of that in my own life). I'm really not that well-read, considering I'm only a freshman in high school, but I really like intellectual, multi-layered books, as well as books that...
  19. veggiedog

    Songs/Artists that drive you insane

    What in the music world is starting to make your ears bleed? As in: -- songs/artists that are stuck in your head -- songs/artists that are starting to get on your nerves -- songs/artists that you just plain don't like -- songs/artists that are offensive to you -- etc. I'm really starting to...
  20. veggiedog

    favorite song?

    I don't even have to think about this one! "Stairway to Heaven" -- Led Zeppelin